
  • 网络elementary education
  1. 关于初等教育专业课程设置问题的探索

    On the Courses To Be Offered to the Specialty of Elementary Education

  2. 初等教育专业课程方案改革研究

    Research on Reform Programme of Courses of Elementary Education Discipline

  3. 少数民族地区五年制初等教育专业培养模式研究

    On Training Models of Five-year Primary Education in Minority Areas

  4. 初等教育专业课程体系构建的思考

    Thoughts on System of Construction of Courses for the Major of Preliminary Education

  5. 论高师初等教育专业的数学教育改革

    On the Reform in Math Teaching of Primary Education Speciality in Higher Teachers College

  6. 高职初等教育专业人才培养模式构建思路

    The Thought of Constructing Talents ' Training Mode for Higher Vocational Elementary Educational Major

  7. 浅析初等教育专业体育教学在新课改中的发展方向

    Analysis on New Direction of Development of Primary Physical Educational Teaching in New Curriculum Standards

  8. 新世纪我国本科学历初等教育专业课程体系初探

    On the Curriculum System for Chinese Undergraduate Specialty of Primary Education in the New Century

  9. 缄默知识视阈下初等教育专业实践课程体系的构建探索

    Exploration of Practical Curriculum System in Primary Education Major from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge Theory

  10. 21岁的沈佳伟(音译)是来自杭州师范大学初等教育专业的一名学生。

    Social cost Shen Jiawei , 21 , is a primary education major at Hangzhou Normal University .

  11. 基于新课程改革对教师培养的新要求,必须对初等教育专业课程体系进行调整。

    Based on a new curriculum reform of the new requirements for training teachers to primary education curriculum adjustment system .

  12. 可当前师范专科学校初等教育专业课程体系在结构、内容等方面存在不少问题。

    The college of education courses for primary education system in the structure , content , and there are many problems .

  13. 本文结合初等教育专业化学学科教学实际,从化学课堂教学的各个环节和过程,探究落实化学“学习策略”教育的一般途径和措施。

    This thesis integrates with the teaching fact of chemistry , inquires the general ways and steps of learning tactics education from all links and processions of Chemistry Classroom Teaching .

  14. 在教学中,如何指导学生上好小学品德与生活(品德与社会)课,进行初等教育专业小学社会课程的教学研究,是初等教育专业教师必须面对和解决的课题。

    It is a problem elementary education teachers are now facing and need to solve in teaching practice in order to give their students good lessons in Moral and Life ( Moral and Society ) . The research aims at solving this problem .

  15. 本文从高师初等教育专业的数学教育中存在的问题及小学数学课程改革对小学教师的新要求两方面,论述了初等教育专业数学教育改革的必要性;

    This thesis deals with the necessities of the reform in the light of the problems in math teaching process of math teaching of primary education speciality and new requirements for teachers during the course of the reform in the curriculum of math of primary schools .

  16. 世界多元文化价值的冲突问题为高师院校的初等教育本科专业课程文化建设带来了新课题;

    World diversified culture value 's conflict has brought a new problem to primary education regular college course specialty lesson 's cultural construction .