
diǎn xínɡ shì fàn
  • Typical demonstration;set an example with a model
  1. 最后,通过计算化学领域中的一个典型示范应用验证了应用MDA开发科学工作流程的可用性和所生成工作流脚本的可执行性。

    Finally , we validated the usability of MDA on SWF and performability of workflow script via a typical example in the field of computational chemistry .

  2. 这是我们从ADC下载的星表文件的一个典型示范,唯一有点特别的是这个文件夹包含了两个独立的星表文件。

    This type of content is typical of data catalogs downloaded from the ADC , although this particular folder is a little unusual in that it contains two separate catalogs .

  3. 典型示范村的农业高效用水模式研究

    Pattern Study of Agricultural Efficient Water Use in the Typical Demonstration Villages

  4. 石家庄市地下水盐污染研究具有典型示范性。

    Shijiazhuang is a representative city for the study of groundwater salt pollution .

  5. 系统设计的同时选择典型示范区进行了实践。

    Meanwhile the selection of the representative demonstration area has been put into practice .

  6. 内河水运典型示范工程&湖嘉申线湖州段设计综述

    Design outline of inland waterway transport demonstration project , Huzhou section of Huzhou-Jiaxing-Shanghai Canal

  7. 真空预压机理模拟装置及典型示范结果

    Device for Demonstrating the Mechanism of Vacuum Preloading

  8. 榜样示范技能典型示范。

    Example Setting Skill demonstration of a model .

  9. 石家庄城市化与地下水之间的相互作用机理研究具有典型示范性。

    The study on the interaction mechanism between urbanization and groundwater constitutes a typical example .

  10. 对这一新局面进行的无论何种方法的研究,都具有相当的典型示范意义。

    Any method of study on this " new situation " has considerable typical model meaning .

  11. 建服务平台,培植典型示范;

    Established service flat roof ;

  12. 蔬菜专业合作社的发展也呈现出数量增长速度快、典型示范建设良好等特点。

    The development of vegetable cooperatives also presents a number of growing fast and good construction of a typical demonstration .

  13. 农业标准化示范区是运用标准化手段融合现代科技成果,通过典型示范带动农业发展、增加农业效益的重要形式。

    Agriculture standardization demonstration ereas is very important pathway , which could utilize high-teches well and increase agriculture economic benefit .

  14. 反英雄观点消解入步前辈人物和道德楷模的典型示范作用等对当代大学生思惟政治教育的消极影响;

    The point of anti-hero and moral role models and so on played negative effects on ideological and political education .

  15. 园区数字化(数字园区)是数字城市的重要组成部分,也是数字城市在城市重点区域的典型示范。

    All kinds of campus are the important component of city . Digital campus is also the key component of the digital city .

  16. 沱牌秉承中华酒文化精髓,创建了中国第一个具有典型示范意义的酿酒工业生态园。

    Tuopai Group inherits Chinese alcoholic beverage cultural soul and established the first liquor-making industry ecological garden which is a typical model in China .

  17. 公民教育的途径和方法包括:学校教育与社会教育、渗透教育与情境陶冶、重点教育与典型示范、自我教育与德性内化等。

    The methods of citizen education include : education by schools and society , edifying and typical examples , self - education and internalized morality .

  18. 打造精细管理文化,必须以目标理念引领,以先进典型示范,以规章制度固化,以实践活动推进。

    Making fine management culture , we must be directed by goal concept , demonstrate with advanced model , solidified by regulations , and promote with practice .

  19. 也就是说巴斯的交易型领导行为特征维度在中国文化背景下是有效的。第二,中国文化背景下企业交易型领导行为特征还有关系支持,典型示范和中庸之道。

    Second , the characteristics of the transactional leadership behavior in the background also including the Support of Relationship , Demonstration of a Model and Golden Mean .

  20. 在理论层面上,丰富和发展基于专题的网络协作学习的理论研究,同时从协作学习的视角为以学习活动为中心的教学设计的深入研究提供典型示范。

    For one thing , makes the theoretical research of Web-Supported Collaborative Project-Based Learning more perfect and provides a typical example for the research of Activity-Centered Design .

  21. 国家运用自身所具有的强大权力,通过制定政策、垄断原料、控制市场、限制剥削、引导舆论、思想教育、典型示范等方式顺利实现了自己的预定目标。

    The country reached it 's aim through drawing up policy , monopolizing the market , limiting the exploitation , directing the public opinion , ideological education and the typical instance .

  22. 旨在摸索榆次市平川区生态经济园林村规划模式,以典型示范,辐射全市。

    The aim was to try to find ecological economy gardening village planning patterns of flat land in Yuci city , to set a typical example , and to promote all the city .

  23. 河南省新农村和谐文化建设要立足于河南丰富的文化资源,坚持以农民为本,重点突破和典型示范的原则。

    The construction of harmonious culture in new countrysides in Henan province must be established upon the rich cultural resources of Henan , and insist on principles of serving farmers , breakthroughs in key areas and typical model .

  24. 培养高师生思想品德素质必须构筑思想教育体系、典型示范体系、校园文化体系、社会实践体系、服务指导体系。

    To cultivate ideological and moral standard of college teachers and students . such system must be constructed , as ideological education system , model demonstration system , campus culture system , social practice system , service snide system .

  25. 目前,我国铁矿资源循环经济正处于从理念创导、局部试验、典型示范向全面实践推进的转折时期,取得了一定的成绩。

    At present circular economy of iron ore resources in China is in the transitional period from innovation and guidance of concept to local testing , typical demonstration and implementation of full practice , and certain success is obtained .

  26. 通过企业化运作、区域化布局和典型示范工程的实施,形成连云港市循环经济发展的新模式,实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一。

    Pass the commercialized operation , implementation of area overall arrangement and typical demonstration project , form the new mode of circulation economic development of Lianyun Harbour , realize the unity of economic benefits , social benefit and environmental benefit .

  27. 主要论述了华人思想政治工作的五个原则,即:实事求是原则、目标多层次原则、典型示范原则、物质利益原则、人性化原则。

    This article mainly discusses the five principles of the ideological and political work to overseas Chinese , namely ; The Practical and realistic principle , Multi-layer target principle , the typical demonstration principle , material benefits principle and humanized principle .

  28. 文章分析了高等学校思想政治工作的目标和内容,阐述了理论武装、目标激励、利益驱动、关怀解困、道德约束、典型示范、层次递进、环境熏陶等思想政治工作的基本方法。

    This paper analyses the goal and contents of the work and makes an exposition of the basic approaches including theory studying , goal inspiration , interests prompting , consideration taking , moral restriction , model demonstration , environment influ ˉ ence etc.

  29. 对生猪标准化场建设认识不到位问题,提出要采取大力宣传营造建设氛围、创新工作形式与手段、突出培训工作、树立样板典型示范的对策。

    The problem of inadequate recognition for the construction of pig standardization farm , the author poses the countermeasures which should publicize vigorously to make construction atmosphere ; innovate the form and way of work ; highlight the training work ; set up examples . 2 .

  30. 在完善机制的过程中,要加强政策引导和典型示范,科学处理政府与市场的关系,推进监管机制的创新并逐步加大公共财政对农民创业扶持的力度。

    In the process of perfecting the mechanism , to strengthen policy guide and typical demonstration , scientific handling the relationship between government and market , and promote the innovation mechanism of supervision and gradually increase the public finance to support for the farmers to dynamics .