
  • 网络journalism
  1. 他开始从事新闻工作,为北伦敦报业集团工作。

    He began a career in journalism , working for the North London Press Group

  2. 他是教师,可还兼职做一些新闻工作。

    He 's a teacher but he does some journalism on the side .

  3. 他在80年代早期开始在澳大利亚从事新闻工作。

    He began his journalistic career in the early eighties in Australia .

  4. 说,"打扰一下,我为XYZ新闻工作,我想知道你是否可以分享你对这个话题的看法。"

    Say , " Excuse me , I work for XYZ News , and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic . "

  5. 弗雷德•格雷厄姆(FredGraham)于1965年开始担任《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)最高法院事务的记者,此后一直从事法律新闻工作。

    Fred Graham has been a legal journalist since becoming Supreme Court correspondent for The New York Times in1965 .

  6. NickyOulette就在这里的LittleWound高中担任新闻工作老师,现在刚刚第一年。

    It 's also where Nicky Oulette is in her first year as the teacher at Little Wound High School .

  7. 他在Instagram上的动态吸引了成千上万的关注者,随后他意识到这项在社交媒体上的工作,与他在做的其他摄影和新闻工作一样重要。

    His Instagram feed attracted hundreds of thousands of followers , and he realized this work on social media was as important as any of the other photography and journalism he was doing .

  8. 从此,他走上了新闻工作道路。

    Henceforth , he has stepped onto the newspaper work path .

  9. 全心全意地投入严肃的新闻工作。

    Relieved at last to throw myself into serious journalistic work .

  10. 学位绝不是从事新闻工作必须具备的一项条件。

    A degree is by no means an essential journalistic qualification .

  11. 新闻工作应该公正,不要根据外表来判断。

    A journalist should be just and never judge by appearances .

  12. 党的新闻工作的性质

    Property ; The Nature of our Party 's Journalism on working

  13. 她决定最终从事法律或新闻工作。

    She decided on law or journalism as her ultimate profession .

  14. 从事电视新闻工作16年,现任广东省台山市广播电视台副台长。

    Now vice head of Guangdong Taishan Broadcasting and TV Station .

  15. 因此无论何时我都不会去做新闻工作。

    So I would never be a gazetteer at any time .

  16. 她大学毕业后计划从事新闻工作。

    She plans to go into journalism when she leaves college .

  17. 会计、新闻工作、政治等生涯

    A career in accountancy , journalism , politics , etc

  18. 和谐社会视阈中的新闻工作党性原则

    Party Spirit Principle of News Work in Harmonious Society View

  19. 在我二十余年的医疗广播和新闻工作中,

    In my 20 years or so of medical broadcasting and journalism ,

  20. 新闻工作对我来说不失为一种新的尝试和挑战。

    Journalism is great fit for me as well as a challenge .

  21. 用党的思想路线指导电视新闻工作

    Guiding the Work of TV News with CPC 's Ideology

  22. 保持不偏不倚是新闻工作的职责。

    It 's the job of journalism to remain detached .

  23. 我已提到以新闻工作为职业。

    I have already mentioned journalism as a career .

  24. 22岁的她表示:新闻工作改变了我的生活轨迹。

    Journalism changed my life track , said 22-year-old .

  25. 大多数新闻工作守则强调,报道真相做到准确最为根本。

    Most journalism codes emphasize that telling the truth being accurate is essential .

  26. “新闻工作”你觉得如何?

    Journalism , do you ever thought about that ?

  27. 新闻工作是一项崇高的事业。

    The gazetteer 's job is a noble job .

  28. 他退出新闻工作以便潜心写作。

    He withdrew from newspaper work to devote His full time to writing .

  29. 离开学校以后,他就从事了新闻工作。

    When he left school he took up journalism .

  30. 答:我没有做过新闻工作。

    Answer : I have never be a gazetteer .