
  • 网络New purchase;new task
  1. Unboxing指打开新购买物品的外包装,检查其特性,并拍照或拍成视频分享到社交媒体网站的行为,即“开箱晒单”。

    Unboxing is an act or instance of removing a newly purchased product from its packaging and examining its features , typically when filmed and shared on a social media site .

  2. 所以我们预计在替换、升级和新购买iPhone4等因素的推动下,iPhone4的销量将得到提升。

    As such , we expect incremental iPhone 4 purchases due to this launch , driven by replacements , upgrades and / or new iPhone 4 purchases .

  3. 新购买设备,需要对其生产出来的产品进行CPK值的计算,以确保设备可以满足产品工艺要求。

    For the new equipments , we will calculate the CPK of the products made by the new equipments , so as to ensure the equipment can meet the technological requirements .

  4. 公司拥有三台胶印机,两台数码印刷机,型号为C900印刷机是应市场的需求而最新购买的。

    The business has3 offset machines and2 digital printing presses , the latest of which is a Ricoh C900 and services the on demand market .

  5. 这可以跟新购买的电脑磁盘相比较。

    It would be comparable to buying a new computer disk .

  6. 我该如何处置新购买的斗鱼?

    What do I do for a new bought betta ?

  7. 新购买的阀门应该经过制造商的清洗和包装,适用于氧气管道系统。

    Valve shall be provided by manufacturer cleaned and bagged for oxygen service .

  8. 新购买的手机,不受此限制。

    This does not apply to new purchases .

  9. 她最新购买的东西是一件棕色大衣。

    Her latest purchase was a brown coat .

  10. 商人们希望能把握住这股新购买力与潜在的市场。

    New earning power and potential that retailers are hoping to latch on to .

  11. 例如,一个事务开始时,用新购买的产品更新客户订单。

    For example , a transaction may be started that updates customers orders with newly purchased products .

  12. 请输入支持最终用户新购买计算机上所有设备的实模式命令行。

    Enter the real-mode command lines necessary to support the devices in the new computer at the END-USER SITE .

  13. 亚当:我准备新购买一台电脑,而我的意向准备买一台“魅可”。

    Adam : I 'm in the market for a new computer and I 'm learning toward buying a Mac .

  14. 社交网站Twitter在周一宣布,将开始测试新的购买按钮,用户可以借此直接通过推文来直接购买商品。

    The social website is testing a new Buy button that will allow users to purchase an item directly from a tweet , the company announced Monday .

  15. IMF其它成员,尤其是欧洲成员,应该容纳它们:即使按照新的购买力平价指标,中国和印度的投票权也应远远高于目前水平。

    Other members , especially the Europeans , should accommodate them : even the new PPP measures would imply far more votes than China and India have now .

  16. 消费者心理特征对新产品购买的影响作用研究

    Studies on Effects of Consumer Psychology on New Product Purchasing

  17. 这个表格是指与任何申请要求无关的新的购买订单。

    This form is basically to make new Purchase Order irrespective of any requisition .

  18. 新屋购买数量从2005年的峰值水平减少77%。

    Purchases of new homes are down 77 per cent from their 2005 peak .

  19. 目的是分析不同的文化价值观对于不同新奢侈品购买动机间的影响。

    Purpose is to analyze the different cultural values for different new luxury purchasing motivation .

  20. 技术创新速度对新技术购买行为的影响&两代未来创新的情况

    Impact of speed of innovation arrival on innovation adoption timing : Case of two generations of future innovations

  21. 一旦你的新帐户购买成功了,我们会把你注册时的域名换成你原来帐户的域名。

    Once the new account is approved , and activated , we change the primary domain to the proper domain for you .

  22. 是的,暑期班新学员购买常规课时可享受和常规课学员同等的家庭折扣,此折扣可与其他暑期班折扣同时享受。

    Yes , learners who purchase the Core program can enjoy the same Family discount policies as well as other special discounts available .

  23. 目前它正同加拿大人作战,因为后者坚持在这个新领域购买喜欢的股票并拒绝投降。

    Right now , it 's fighting the Canadians , who are holding out for preferred stock in the new entity before they capitulate .

  24. 作为我国汽车市场上一股新的购买力,她们的市场潜力已受到不少汽车企业的关注。

    As a new purchasing power in the car market , great attention has been given to their market potential by many automobile enterprises .

  25. 老板认为,有必要给来访者留下深刻印象,所以决定给新办公室购买特别好看的家具,显摆一下。

    EXAMPLE : Believing that visitors needed to be impressed , the boss decided to buy extravagantly beautiful furniture for the new office as a splurge .

  26. 假如计划顺利实施,他将利用新资金购买更加现代化的机床,生产更尖端的零部件,并扩大产量。

    Assuming this goes to plan , he will use the new funds to buy more modern machine tools and make more sophisticated parts in higher volumes .

  27. 劳斯莱斯表示,幻影软顶敞篷轿跑车旨在将该品牌引向“一个更为休闲的方向”,并“吸引新买家购买这种车型”。

    Rolls-Royce said the drophead was aimed at leading the brand " in a more informal direction " and " attracting new buyers to the marque " .

  28. 随着水星的逆行,你可能会看到一个喜欢的电子,电器,或机器故障,需要维修或一个新的购买。

    With Mercury retrograde , you may see a favorite electronic , appliance , or machine break down , requiring a repair or purchase of a new one .

  29. 原则上,研究人员可以利用世行新的购买力平价指数吧贫困线所用的美元换算成本币,然后统计出生活水平居于此线之下的人数。

    In principle , the researchers could count the number of people living on less than this amount , converted into local money using the bank 's new PPP rates .

  30. 中国钢铁行业在第一季度大幅提高了产量,押注于需求将出现复苏,同期有一些迹象显示新的购买行为,分析师们将这些购买归因于囤积策略。

    The Chinese steel industry sharply increased its production in the first quarter , betting that demand would recover and amid some signs of fresh buying that analysts attributed to stockpiling .