
  • 网络newborn care;neonatal care
  1. 确定社区卫生工作者进行新生儿护理方面的家访是否可以降低贫穷地区的婴儿和新生儿的死亡以及死产儿的出现。

    To determine whether home visits for neonatal care by community health workers can reduce infant and neonatal deaths and stillbirths in resource-limited settings .

  2. 我们系统回顾了2008年之前的比较各种干预措施组合的对照试验,其中之一是由社区卫生工作者进行新生儿护理方面的家访。

    We conducted a systematic review up to2008 of controlled trials comparing various intervention packages , one of them being home visits for neonatal care by community health workers .

  3. SOAP是由麻醉医师,产科医生,儿科医生,和谁共享一个在怀孕病人和新生儿护理基础科学家的兴趣。

    SOAP is comprised of anesthesiologists , obstetricians , pediatricians , and basic scientists who share an interest in the care of the pregnant patient and the newborn .

  4. 新生儿护理方面的专家建议到最好的避免SIDS的方法是总是让宝宝仰面躺在床上。

    Experts in newborn care say the best way to protect your baby from SIDS is to always put her down to sleep on her back .

  5. Davis与女性健康、产科及新生儿护理协会(AWHONN)一起起草并评估了婴儿护理指南。

    Holditch-Davis works with the Association of Women 's Health , Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses ( AWHONN ) to develop and evaluate guidelines for the care of infants .

  6. 加强BNCPAP治疗的新生儿护理是治疗成功的保证。

    Conclusion : To strengthen nursing care of newborns undergoing BNCPAP is the assurance of successful treatment .

  7. 113例产妇对新生儿护理知识认知情况调查

    Survey on the Knowledge about Neonate Care in 113 Postpartum Women

  8. 母婴同室新生儿护理模式探讨

    The Study of the Nursing Mode of Neonate in Mother-newborn in Room

  9. 结论改良式新生儿护理模式优于传统护理模式。

    Conclusions The improved mode of neonate nursing is better than traditional mode .

  10. 这种连续照护从为新生命提供充分的新生儿护理起再次开始。

    The continuum begins again with adequate newborn care for the new life .

  11. 四胞胎正在新生儿护理室,其中两个女婴在监护病房吸氧。

    The two girls were uptaking oxygen in CICU .

  12. 浅论新条件下的正常足月新生儿护理对策

    Elementary introduction new circs natural neonatal period nurse

  13. 目的探讨母婴同室合适的新生儿护理模式。

    Objective To study the suitable nursing mode of neonate in mother-newborn in room .

  14. 新生儿护理措施与常见疾病预防的关系探讨

    Probe into of the Relationship between Nursing Method and Prophylaxis of Common Diseases in Newborn

  15. 围产期窒息新生儿护理体位的初步研究

    Postures for nursing perinatal asphyxial neonates

  16. 一个合格的新生儿护理顾问会帮助你和你的宝宝从头开始做起的。

    A qualified consultant in newborn baby care will help you and your baby get off to a good start .

  17. 他们的婴儿还在医院的新生儿护理室里,医生希望他完全康复。

    Their bady is still in the hospital 's neonatal unit but the doctors expect him to make a complete recovery .

  18. 纽约长老会医院威尔康奈尔医学中心(NewYork-PresbyterianHospitalWeillCornellMedicalCenter)负责新生儿特别护理的医务主任杰弗里·M·佩尔曼(JeffreyM.Perlman)则有不同看法。

    Dr. Jeffrey M. Perlman , medical director of neonatal intensive care at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center , takes a different view .

  19. 目的探讨开展新生儿家庭护理干预效果。

    Objective to evaluate the effect of family nursing intervention of neonates .

  20. 极低体重新生儿社区护理内容和形式的探讨

    Content and Type of Community Nursing of Very Low Birth Weight Infant

  21. 妊娠合并梅毒患者及其新生儿的护理

    Nursing of women with syphilis in pregnancy and their neonates

  22. 新生儿游泳护理服务项目的成本研究

    Study on the cost of neonatal swimming care services

  23. 结论:新生儿游泳护理有利于降低新生儿黄疸指数水平。

    Conclusion Swimming-care for newborn can decrease the level of newborn jaundice index .

  24. 新生儿舒适护理研究进展

    Research progress on comfort nursing care of newborns

  25. 结论开展新生儿家庭护理干预,可有效地降低新生儿的发病率,提高新生儿健商水平。

    Conclusion The family nursing intervention of neonates can effectively lower the incidence and thus raise their level of health .

  26. 方法:在系统监测和程序化治疗的基础上,给予158例呼吸衰竭新生儿加强护理,与常规护理组相比较。

    Methods : Based on systematic monitor and programmatic therapy , intensive care was performed on 158 infants with respiratory failure . It was compared to traditional nursing group .

  27. 对可获得产科和新生儿医疗护理的巴基斯坦城区人群新生儿死亡的流行率、性别分布、原因,以及危险因素进行评估。

    To evaluate the prevalence , sex distribution and causes of neonatal mortality , as well as its risk factors , in an urban Pakistani population with access to obstetric and neonatal care .

  28. 危重新生儿的转运护理由HBV所引起的乙型肝炎是一种流行久远、传播广泛、危害严重的传染性疾病。

    Transport Nursing of the Neonates with Severe Diseases Hepatitis B is one of the widespread and hazardous communicable diseases .

  29. 浅谈新生儿发育支持护理在NICU的应用

    Talking on application of neonatal development supportive nursing in NICU

  30. 目的:探讨新生儿破伤风的护理特点。

    Objective : To investigate the nursing characteristics of neonatal tetanus .