
  • 网络Xinhua;shinva;new China
  1. 苏黎世保险(ZurichInsurance)将出售其在新华人寿(NewChinaLife)所持剩余股份,成为最新一家抛出在华投资的西方金融企业。

    Zurich Insurance is to sell the remainder of its stake in New China Life , becoming the latest western financial company to sell down its Chinese investment .

  2. 全国社保基金(NSSF)和泰康人寿(TaikangLife)将分别持有逾4%股份,而宝钢和新华人寿保险(NewChinaLife)将分别持有约3.5%股份。

    The National Social Security Fund and Taikang Life would each hold over 4 per cent while Baosteel and New China Life would each hold about 3.5 per cent .

  3. B:有,最近的是新华书店。

    B : Yes , there is.The nearest one is Xinhua Bookstore .

  4. 以下是新华网的两篇报道。

    Here are two reports from www.xinhuanet.com .

  5. 在新华站,我看见一位老人上了公共汽车。他看起来很虚弱。

    At Xinhua Stop , I saw an old man get on the bus . He looked very weak .

  6. 新华社报道,本周三上午中国将就新时期的国防问题发布一份白皮书。

    China will issue a white paper on Chinese national defense in the new era on Wednesday morning , according to Xinhua News Agency .

  7. 据新华社报道,2020年,20多个国家和地区的螺蛳粉年销售额超过100亿元人民币,同时为整个产业链提供了超过25万个就业岗位。

    Xinhua reports that the annual sales of river snail rice noodles in more than 20 countries and regions exceeded 10 billion yuan ( $ 1.54 billion ) in 2020 , while providing over 250000 jobs across the industrial chain .

  8. 采用新华中速滤纸纸色谱和硅胶G薄层色谱分析多糖各组分的单糖组成。

    The monosaccharides contained in each polysaccharides were analysed by using paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography .

  9. 新华社称,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台(cncworld)本周在亚洲可以通过卫星接收,从下月开始信号将覆盖全球。

    Xinhua said CNC world could be received in Asia over satellite this week and available around the world from next month .

  10. SymphonyDCS与新华DEH共享操作员站的实现

    Implementation of Symphony DCS and DEH - ⅲ A shared operator station

  11. 但根据官方新闻通讯社新华社(Xinhua)的报道,奥运会期间,北京五星级酒店的入住率达到81%。

    But according to Xinhua , the official news agency , five-star occupancy in Beijing reached 81 per cent during the Games .

  12. 官方媒体新华社周末在其微博账户报道称,中国廉价航空公司春秋航空(SpringAirlines)暂停了6月19日之前所有从上海飞往越南的包机航班。

    Over the weekend , the official microblog of state news agency Xinhua reported that Chinese low-cost carrier Spring Airlines was suspending all charter flights from Shanghai to Vietnam until June 19 .

  13. 中国官方媒体新华社的一则报道称,政府将拍卖在南部城市深圳查获的2000部iPhone6。

    A report from China 's state-run Xinhua news service said the government would auction off 2000 iPhone 6s it had seized in the southern city of Shenzhen .

  14. 新华社今年开通了一个英语电视网;一只有官方媒体背景的基金本周同意收购新闻集团(newscorp)旗下三家电视频道的多数股权。

    Xinhua launched an English - language television network this year and a state media-backed Fund agreed this week to acquire a majority stake in three television channels owned by News Corp.

  15. 官方通讯社新华社旗下的《经济参考报》(EconomicInformationDaily)报道称,首批发债规模为3000亿元人民币(合480亿美元),将很快由政策性银行发行。今年春季,这些银行获得注资。

    A first batch of Rmb300bn ( $ 48bn ) out of a planned Rmb1tn will be issued soon by policy banks that were recapitalised this spring , the Economic Information Daily , a newspaper run by the official Xinhua news agency , said .

  16. 方法1998年12月至2000年2月期间,对入住上海新华医院新生儿病区的新生儿及小婴儿同时进行头颅B超、CT和MRI检查,并酌情复查。

    Methods Ultrasound , CT and MRI examinations were performed simultaneously on all neonates and young infants who were admitted into neonatal wards of Xinhua Hospital from Dec.1998 to Feb.2000.Results Five full-term young infants were diagnosed as cerebral infarction .

  17. 分析了新华XG1。PG型真空灭菌器的一例故障现象、故障原因及排除方法。

    Analyzes mainly a case of troubleshooting for Xin Hua XG1.PG Vacuum Sterilizer , and tries to find the causes of it and then search for solution ways .

  18. 上海哲奔咨询公司(Z-Ben)表示,英国银行巴克莱(Barclays)也将其在中国合资企业新华信托(NewChinaTrust)中的股份从19.5%大幅削减至6%。

    Barclays , the UK bank , has also reduced its stake in its Chinese joint venture , New China Trust , significantly , from 19.5 per cent to 6 per cent , according to Z-Ben , the Shanghai-based consultancy .

  19. 中国官方的新华社(Xinhua)援引他的话称:国与国关系发展过程中,难免会出现一些矛盾和问题,有些不同看法是正常的。

    It is inevitable to have some problems and it is normal to have different views during the development of bilateral relations , he was quoted as saying by Xinhua , China 's state news agency .

  20. 并利用新华远东2006年2月14日对中国企业最新的信用评级结果,检验了Z值模型对信用评级的有效性,建立了信用级别与Z值之间的映射关系。

    Based on the Z-value model and the newest Xinhua Far East China issuer credit ratings results on February 14,2006 , we verify the efficiency of Z-value model for credit rating and construct the correlation between Z-value and credit rating result .

  21. 第二部分则通过对四川出版物发行市场和四川新华书店集团的调查,借助PEST对其实施连锁经营模式的内外部各种竞争环境作了简明的分析;

    Section II is based on the investigation on Sichuan publishing market and Sichuan Xinhua Bookstore Group , analyzes the publication market 's inner side and outside competition environment for chain operation model through the PEST analysis and competition analysis .

  22. 最后,结合济宁新华物流公司这样一家第三方物流企业进行案例分析,指出该公司在客户关系管理方面发展的过程,并对在公司中引入CRM提出了一些建议。

    Finally , unifying the case of the Jining xinhua logistics Company , it pointed out the process of this company which develops in the customer relations management aspect , and introduced some proposals for the company to pull in CRM .

  23. 姚明在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院度过了校园第一天。据新华社的报道,这位NBA火箭队的前中锋在课后表示,他对学习有着强烈的愿望。

    The former Houston Rockets centre said after his first day at the Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University that he had a strong desire for academic studies , the Xinhua news agency said .

  24. 人感染H7N9禽流感病毒的病例近几个月大幅减少,不过陈化兰在接受新华社采访时警告说,这种病毒仍存在于动物体内。

    The number of human H7N9 infections has dropped off significantly in recent months , though Ms. Chen warned in her interview with Xinhua the virus continues to exist in animals .

  25. 方法实验于2003-10/2004-03在新华医院中心实验室进行。选用7日龄SD新生大鼠80只,随机分为美金胺54,35,23mg/(kg·d)组及对照组4组,每组20只。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted at the central laboratory of Xinhua Hospital from October 2003 to March 2004.Eighty neonatal SD rats aged 7-days were selected and randomly assigned into 54,35 and 23 mg / kg memantine per day groups and control group with 20 rats in each group .

  26. 上述知情人士表示,新华人寿原计划在10月底之前完成ipo,但由于欧美债务危机不断升级,全球市场应声暴跌,新华人寿的上市可能要推迟到形势恢复平静。

    The company originally planned to finish the IPO before the end of October but , with global markets plummeting in reaction to escalating debt crises in Europe and the US , the listing may have to be delayed until things have settled down , these people said .

  27. 路透社首席执行官汤姆格罗瑟(tomglocer)在10月份访问北京时表示,新华社通过新的监管规定,“提出了某些建议”,但路透社有“其它建议”。

    During an October visit to Beijing , Tom Glocer , Reuters chief executive , said Xinhua had " made certain proposals " through its new regulations , but that Reuters had " other ideas " .

  28. 吉林人学工商管理硕士学位论文本文的研究对象为,l的9年一设立国家仓lJ新基金以术,国家它日新华分在t交春高新技术产业开发区结案的61个项日。

    The objects of the research are the 61 programs that have performed in the new-and high-tech development zone in Changchun since the establishment of the Innovation Fund in our c country .

  29. 新华社报道称,可口可乐长期使用焦糖对可乐进行着色,而焦糖中含有一种致癌物&4-甲基咪唑(4-MI)。

    The company has been using caramel , which contains 4-methyl imidazole ( 4-MI ), a carcinogen , to color the drink , said a Xinhua report .

  30. 为加强火电厂运行人员和热控维护人员的培训及优化机组的控制方案,提出了一种基于新华XDPS系统的新型仿真系统。

    For enhancing the level of training operators and thermo-control personnel of fossil fired power plants , as well as for finding ways of optimizing operation , a new type of simulation system , based on Xinhua Co.