
  • 网络Packaging;packaging information;Package Information;Packing Information
  1. 按照你的要求,我现将有关吸顶灯和台灯的产品描述和包装信息资料传真给你。

    As requested , I will now fax over to you the product description and packing information regarding the ceiling lamp and the table lamp .

  2. 讨论了包装信息涉及的内容及其各种表达方式。

    The contents and various expression manners of packaging information are discussed .

  3. 运输包装信息与虚拟物流单元

    The Information of Transport Package and Virtual Logistics Unit

  4. 军用包装信息规范化管理研究

    The Study of Military Packaging Information Standardization Management

  5. 强化包装信息是提升包装设计水平的一个重要途径。

    Intensifying packaging information is an important approach to upgrade the level of packaging design .

  6. 关于销售包装信息的认识和研究

    Study of the Information of Consumer Packaging

  7. 浅议加强和完善包装信息系统

    Strenthening and completion of packaging information system

  8. 讨论了物流单元运输包装信息的内容和虚拟物流单元的概念。

    The contents of transport package information and the concept of virtual logistics unit are discussed .

  9. 将循环包装信息有效传达给消费者,宣传环保理念;

    Circulation packaging information can be effectively communicated to consumers in order to promote environmental philosophy .

  10. 包装信息与包装设计

    Packaging Information and Packaging Design

  11. 包装信息的知识发现

    KDD for Packaging Information

  12. 为了充分利用包装信息技术,讨论了关于销售包装信息的几个重要问题。

    For the sufficient application of packaging information , some important problems about the information of consumer packaging were discussed .

  13. 整合和强化包装信息方面的教学内容也是当前包装教育中教学改革的一项重要工作。

    An important task in the innovation of packaging education is to conform and intensify the packaging information in the teaching materials .

  14. 应用程序使用产品包装信息(比如一个包装箱中应该装的产品数量)来确保包装过程中不会出现数量错误。

    Applications are using product packaging information , such as the expected units count in a case , to ensure counting errors are not made in the packaging process .

  15. 说明应用ABC法可以得到相对准确的包装成本信息,并找出影响包装成本的主要因素及相应的解决方法,为包装成本管理提供了依据。

    Besides it can find the main factors and corresponding settling means which affect the package cost , and it can provide gist for managing the package cost .

  16. E-包装&信息技术在包装中的应用

    E - Packaging the Application of Information Technology in Packaging

  17. 让我们讲注意力集中到帮助学生通过网络自主学习上,而不是把我们自己包装成信息源。

    Let 's focus on helping students teach themselves with the web rather than on our packaging ourselves as the source of information .

  18. 文章介绍了国内外危险化学品现状,分析了危险化学品包装安全信息系统的可行性及优越性,并具体分析了系统设计的功能模块。

    This thesis introduces the actuality of dangerous chemicals and packaging safety , then analyzes the feasibility and superiority of this system , and analyzes system 's models .

  19. 为此提出以集成信息诊断和信息重新包装的信息顾问服务模式作为未来企业图书馆信息服务的基础。

    An expanded model d the information counselor role integrating information diagnostic and repackaging services is presented as a basis for a range of potential corporate information services .

  20. 控制系统从扫描器接收特定包装的信息,并且从流量计接收稀释剂流速信息,并且接着确定泵速度以便设置所需混合比例。

    The control system receives package-specific information from a scanner and diluent flow rate information from the flowmeter , and then determines the pump speed in order to set a desired mix ratio .

  21. 针对当前网上信息资源建设过程中涉及到的法律问题,本文提出了一个关于解决信息上载、信息包装、信息链接和信息设计中的知识产权问题的建议方案。

    Regard to the problems of intellectual property ( IP ) involved in the course of development of net information , this article proposed a solution on the issues on information uploading , packing , linking and designing .

  22. 现代物流是使用众多的物流资源,向客户提供运输、仓储、配送、分拨、包装、信息服务等众多服务综合业务。

    The modern physical distribution is the use multitudinous physical distribution resources , provides the transportation , the warehousing , the allocation to the customer , transfers , the packing , the information service and so on the multitudinous service comprehensive service .

  23. 例如,动态页面设计人员角色生产JavaServerPage(JSP)并消费EJB部件类型包装现有的信息资源和应用程序。

    For example , designers of dynamic pages a role produce JavaServer Pages ( JSPs ) and consume EJBs part types that wrap existing sources of information and applications .

  24. 包装设计中信息视觉化的研究内容与设计原则

    Research Contents and Design Principles of Information Visualization in Packaging Design

  25. 包装行业企业信息分类与编码问题的研究

    The Research in the Classfication and Coding of the Packaging Enterprise Information

  26. 绿色包装虚拟企业信息集成平台及关键技术研究

    Research on Information Integrated Platform and Key Technology for Green Packaging Virtual Enterprises

  27. 包装中生物信息技术应用研究

    Study of Biology Information Technology Applied in Packaging

  28. 包装印刷图像信息隐藏技术的研究

    Study of the Information Hiding Technology to Hide Images Using in Packaging and Printing

  29. 产品包装外观图像信息数字化及数据库技术的应用

    The Application of Digitalization and Database Technology of Product Packaging External Appearance Picture Information

  30. 包装设计的信息传递

    Information transmission in packing design