
  • 网络Aeration zone water;aoration zone water;water of aeration zone;suspended water
  1. 本文讨论了大气降水、包气带水和地下水垂向转化定量关系及其时空分布规律。

    This paper discusses the quantitative relations of vertical transformation and the time-space distribution law of atmospheric precipitation , suspended water and groundwater .

  2. 包气带水研究方向浅议

    Elementary Discussion on the Study Direction of Aeration Zone Water

  3. 包气带水是地球水体的重要组成部分。

    The aeration zone water is an important part the globe water body .

  4. 蒸发条件下包气带水热运移模拟研究

    The Simulation Study on the Hydrothermal Transport in Aeration Zone under the Evaporation Condition

  5. 它具有很强的吸附能凝聚水分,使包气带水和潜水从液态、汽态向冻结层迁移富集,形成季节性固态地下水。

    The high absorption energy makes ground water in air containing zone move towards the freezing layer and produce seasonal frozen perched ground water .

  6. 这些变化不仅涉及水交换带中的所有含水层,而且最迅速、最强烈地影响包气带水。

    These changes not only involve all kinds of the water exchange within the aquifer , but also affect vadose zone water rapidly and strongly .

  7. 砂柱中渗透系数及水气运移试验研究蒸发条件下包气带水热运移模拟研究

    Experimental Research on the Hydraulic Conductivity and the Water-air Flow in a Sand Column ; The Simulation Study on the Hydrothermal Transport in Aeration Zone under the Evaporation Condition

  8. 本文在阐述包气带水特征的基础上,指出了包气带水研究方向:一是包气带中土壤水的调控研究,二是水&气二相流数值模拟研究。

    The article describes its characteristics and points out their study directions . One is how to control soil water in aeration zone , the other is numerical simulation study on water-gas flow .

  9. 研究包气带水的形成及运动规律不仅对阐明地下水的形成具有重要意义,而且是实现农业节水的关键。

    To study the rule of formation and movement of aeration zone water , it not only has important significance for groundwater forming , but also is the key for realizing water saving in agriculture .

  10. 利用自制的笼屉式蒸渗仪自2005年5月开始在鄂尔多斯盆地包气带水盐运移原位试验场开展凝结水的实验研究。

    Since may , 2005 , we have begun to use self-made cage-lysimeter to do the experiment about condensing water in testing ground in Erdos Basin which is for water and salt transportation in Vadose zone .

  11. 地表气候的变化可以通过植物的根系对包气带水盐作用产生影响,从而影响水土势的变化,对水分在包气带中的分布和运移产生影响。

    Changes in climate can affect the water-salt interaction by the roots of plants , can also affect the values of the matrix potential of soil water , and the distribution and movement of water in the aeration .

  12. 降水入渗补给地下水或者地下水蒸发转化为大气水,都是在岩土水势梯度作用下,通过包气带水分量的增加、减少和传输实现的。

    The supplementation of groundwater from precipitation infiltration or its transformation into atmospheric water through evaporation are realized by the increment , decrement or transportation of water in aeration zone constituents under the action of hydraulic gradient in rock and soil .

  13. 通过深入分析土壤水和地下水之间的相互关系,强调在地下水埋深小于其极限埋深的情况下应把地下水作用耦合到包气带水和溶质运移模型中。

    On the basis of analysis of relationship between soil water and groundwater , the paper emphasized that the function of groundwater should be coupled into models of soil water flow and solute transport when the depth of groundwater is less than the threshold of water table depth .

  14. 对下垫面状况的改变对地表径流量、陆面蒸发量、降水入渗量、包气带土壤水蓄变量的影响进行了分析。

    Influence of underlying surface variation on surface runoff , land evaporation , rainfall infitration and storage variation of unsaturated soil water were analysed .

  15. 本文主要介绍了黄土包气带土壤水动力弥散系数的测定方法及用水平土柱法的测量结果,同时也给出了用水特征曲线计算法得出的水动力弥散系数。

    The paper is to describe the method of determining hydrodynamic diffusion coefficient for soils in loess aerated zone and report the results measured with horizontal soil column , with the values of hydrodynamic diffusion coefficient calculated with hydro characteristic curve also given .

  16. 石油类污染物在包气带土层中的水化学迁移率测定

    The Measurement of the Hydrochemistry Mobility of the Oil Pollutant in the Aeration Zone