
jī jù
  • sharp; intense;fierce;acute
激剧 [jī jù]
  • [intense] 激烈;迅速而剧烈

  • 看样子他是在激剧地进行思想斗争

  1. 在某些地方,暴力犯罪激剧上升。

    In some places it has soared .

  2. 在过去的十年里风险资本和私募基金经历了激剧的增长。

    Over the past decades the Venture Capital and Private Equity industry has registered a sharp increase .

  3. 近年来,非营利组织激剧增长,成为与人们生活休戚相关的社会力量。

    In recent years , NPO have been growing rapidly , as social forces which are related to people 's living .

  4. 结果表明,在一定范围内,加入锑后再加入镁,其变质能力激剧增强。

    The results showed that by adding to it Sb and Mg , within certain ranges of concentration , the ability for modification may be increased substantially .

  5. 杂交水稻的空秕率以32℃为最低,超过32℃时,则随温度的提高而激剧上升。

    The percentage of empty and abortive grain of hybrid rice was minimum at 32 ℃ . Above 32 ℃, the percentage increased as the temperature increased .

  6. 我在社会激剧变革的浪尖上长大,并投身各种政治论争,探讨美国所代表的意义及它在世界上的角色。

    I came of age on the crest of tumultuous social change and took part in the political battles fought over the meaning of America and its role in the world .

  7. 在知识激剧增长的今天,要求学生学习的知识越来越多,学生未来发展的可能性有多种,可塑性也很强。

    Today , as knowledge increasing intensely , students should learn more and more knowledge . The possibility of students ' development exist all kinds and the plasticity is very strong .

  8. 但随着全国柑橘生产格局的不断变化和农业结构调整的不断推进,柑橘产销形势发生了巨大变化,竞争日益激剧。

    But with the national citrus production patterns constantly changing and the continuous progress of the adjustment of agricultural structure , citrus production and marketing situation had undergone tremendous changes and the competition heated increasingly .

  9. 但是人口的急剧膨胀,经济的高速发展等因素激剧了人与自然的各种矛盾,这些矛盾使绿洲农业的稳定发展面临着巨大挑战。

    But the rapid expansion of the population and the rapid development of economic factors inspire various contradictions between human beings and nature . These contradictions give a huge challenge to the steady development of oasis agriculture .

  10. 电极活化后比活化前,尤其高荷电态比低荷电态质子扩散阻抗激剧减小,满荷电态时的质子转移电阻约相当于活化前的110。

    When the electrode is activated or in the state of high charge , the proton diffusion impedance decreases sharply . The proton transfer resistance on full charging condition is about 1 / 10 times of that before the activation .