
  • 网络laser radiation
  1. 飞秒激光辐射诱导金属表面微纳结构研究

    Micro-and Nano-Structures on Metal Induced by Femtosecond Laser Radiation

  2. CO2激光辐射对水及水溶液物性的影响

    The Effect of CO_2 Laser Radiation on Some of Physical Properties of Distilled Water and Aqueous Solution

  3. 该论文对C(60)在激光辐射下的稳定性进行了研究。

    The stability of C60 under laser irradiation was also studied .

  4. CO2激光辐射提高蔬菜种子活力的研究

    A Study on Raising the Vitality of Vegetable Seeds by CO_2 Laser Irradiation

  5. CO2激光辐射总状毛霉发酵产蛋白酶优化条件

    Study on optimal culturing of high proteinase-producing mucor racemosus mutated by CO_2 laser

  6. 激光辐射CCD的破坏机理分析

    Review on the laser induced damage mechanism of CCD detector

  7. 用CO2激光辐射总状毛霉MR137,获得高产蛋白酶变异株MR1373。

    High proteinase-producing mutant MR 137-3 was obtained by radiation of CO_2 laser .

  8. 综述DNA分子的孤立子理论和弱激光辐射的DNA分子可出现混沌的现象。

    The soliton theory of DNA molecular and the emergence of chaos from DNA molecular under the weak laser are summarized .

  9. 用CO2激光器对铁&铜基梯度复合粉末冶金压坯进行了激光辐射烧结。

    The Fe Cu compacts with a gradient composition were sintered by a CO 2 laser .

  10. He-Ne激光辐射对玉米幼苗糖代谢的影响

    The Effect of He-Ne Laser Irradiation of Glycometabolism of Corn Seedings

  11. 研究了COIL激光辐射下热畸变和损伤特性。

    The thermal distortion and laser induced damage of deformable mirror irradiated with COIL laser are investigated .

  12. 引起激光辐射功率漂移的因素比较复杂,本文采用了两级稳定控制系统来逐级抑制YAG激光器辐射功率的涨落。

    Two stages of stable controlling systems are utilized to inhibit the YAG laser power fluctuation .

  13. He-Ne激光辐射番茄种子的研究

    Preliminary test on tomato seeds irradiating with He-Ne laser

  14. He-Ne激光辐射玉米种子对其幼苗体内某些保护酶活性的影响

    Influence of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on the Active Oxygen Metabolism of Maize Seedlings

  15. 聚γ-谷氨酸生产菌地衣芽孢杆菌的He-Ne激光辐射效应

    Effects of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on Bacillus Licheniformis of Producing γ - Polyglutamic Acid

  16. 本文报道利用光镜和电镜观察到CO2激光辐射损伤区:碳化带,凝固带、水肿带。

    The damage area of CO_2 laser radiation on cerebral tissue was studied by LM and EM in experimental animals and human cerebral tumors .

  17. 激光辐射下约瑟夫森结的直流I-V特性

    Direct current I-V characteristic of Josephson junction under laser irradiation

  18. He-Ne激光辐射对玉米幼苗α&淀粉酶和磷酸化酶的影响

    Research on The Effect of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on α - Amylase And Phosphorylase of Corn Seedlings

  19. 采用Nd:YAG和LD激光辐射极大螺旋藻。

    Nd : YAG and LD laser was used to irradiate Spirulina maxima , the irradiation times were 10 ?

  20. 结果发现,HeNe激光辐射可提高SOD,POD,CAT酶活性;改变SOD,CAT同工酶谱。

    The results showed that He-Ne laser could enhance SOD , POD , CAT enzyme activity , changed SOD , CAT isoenzyme bands .

  21. 丙酮在XeCl准分子激光辐射下的多光子电离和碎裂研究

    Multiphoton ionization and fragmentation study of acetone at XeCl excimer laser radiation

  22. 从豆腐乳中分离出总状毛霉(Mucorracemosus137,MR137),用CO2激光辐射诱变。

    Mucor racemosus 137 was isolated from fermented bean curd and brought to mutation by radiation of CO2 laser .

  23. 激光辐射诱导水稻转座子mPing,Ping及Pong的转座激活和可遗传DNA甲基化变异

    Mobilization of Transposons m Ping , Ping and Pong and Heritable Alterations in DNA Methylation Pattern Induced by Laser Irradiation in Rice

  24. 研究10.6μm波长的CO2激光辐射对水及水溶液物性的影响。

    The effect of 10.6 μ m CO 2 laser radiation on some of physical properties of distilled water and aqueous solution has been experimentally studied .

  25. 激光辐射下混合染料香豆素1&罗丹明6G中的能量转移过程

    Energy Transfer Processes in Coumarin 1-Rhodamine 6G Dye Mixture under Laser Emission

  26. He-Ne激光辐射充氧液疗对改善局灶性兔脑梗死病理损害的研究

    Pathologic damages of experimental located cerebral infarction of rabbits after treated by HE - Ne laser irradiated and oxygened fluids infusion

  27. 在第二次激光辐射后,PI表面LIPSS形成的阈值与未预辐射的PI相比显著降低。

    After the second irradiation , the threshold of LIPSS formation remarkably decreased compared to the initial PI .

  28. PDT研究中的激光辐射测量

    Laser radiometry on PDT research

  29. 本文给出了大气二氧化碳对CO2激光辐射各谱线吸收的计算公式,并利用标准大气资料计算了各谱线的吸收值。

    The formula of the absorption of each spectral line of CO2 laser radiation by atmospheric CO2 are given . The absorptivity at each line is calculated for the standard atmosphere .

  30. 结果表明,在LF-12装置上,对不同的靶,激光辐射驱动内爆的中子产额为103&105。

    The results show that the neutron yields for implosion are between 103 and 105 under different target conditions at the LF-12 facility .