
jī ɡuānɡ shì pán
  • laser disc
  1. 通过激光视盘发行好莱坞最新电影也起到了一定作用。

    Getting Hollywood 's latest films released on laser-disc has also helped

  2. 他们刚借了我一部激光视盘播放机。

    They 've just lent me a laser disc player .

  3. 您这儿卖中国电影的激光视盘吗?

    Do you have some VCD of Chinese movies ?

  4. HDTV激光视盘及发展

    Development of HDTV LASER DISC

  5. 教材运用交互式激光视盘系统,结合了文字、图片、动画、声音以及影像等的使用,采用Director软件,使教材的设计与制作更具有互动性和多媒体影音成效。

    This study used interactive videodisc systems combined with words , pictures , animation , sound , and image to develop . Director software was used to design and produce .

  6. 随着蓝光激光视盘播放机在市场上的逐步普及和竞争加剧,市场对BD激光视盘播放机成本降低的要求越来越高。

    With the gradual popularization and competition intensifies of Blu-ray player , the demand for BD player cost down is increasing in the market .

  7. 糖尿病护理的交互式激光视盘研发与测试

    Developing and testing a CD with interactive videodisk systems for DM care

  8. 我们的武术专卖店出售有关中华武术的图书资料、录像带和激光视盘。

    Our martial art store sells books , video tapes and VCDs on Chinese martial arts .

  9. 数码卫星电视的声音和图像与电影一样清晰,可与激光视盘相媲美,其诱惑力是不可抗拒的

    The lure of digital TV , which promises crystal-clear , cinema-like video and sound comparable in quality to that on compact disks , could prove irresistible

  10. 在重载列车运行仿真器中,利用激光视盘放送机所具有的易检索、易控制、图象质量高的特点来提供逼真的视景图象,是目前最为有效的方法。

    In developing heavy haul train operation simulator , window image is provided by laser vision player and this is effective way because of its flexible search , easy control and high quality image .

  11. 激光数字视盘的市场展望

    Prospects of DVD market s

  12. 目的探讨氩激光治疗视盘新生血管型糖尿病视网膜病变的疗效。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of argon laser photocoagulation on proliferative diabetic retinopathy ( PDR ) with disc neovascularization ( NVD ) .

  13. (xiii)关于加强激光唱盘,激光视盘复制管理的紧急通知(1994年4月12日)

    ( xiii ) Urgent Circular concerning Strengthening Administration of Reproducing Compact Discs and Laser Discs ( 12 April 1994 )

  14. 本规定所称音像制品是指录有内容的录音带(AT)、录像带(VT)、激光唱盘(CD)、数码激光视盘(VCD)及高密度光盘(DVD)等。

    The term " audio and video products " as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the AT , VT , CD , VCD and DVD on which contents were recorded .