
  • 网络FLUME RIDE;Shoot the Chute;Lotic brave;wildwater
  1. 激流勇进再铸辉煌&第四届成都国际家具工业展回眸

    Navigate in Riptide Reforge the Brilliance Look back on the 4th International Furniture Fair Chengdu

  2. 尼加拉瓜大瀑布和激流勇进

    Niagara falls and log rides .

  3. 激流勇进与退避三舍&曹植与阮籍文学创作之比较

    Torrent Brave with Try Best to Avoid & CAO ZHi with RUAN Ji the Comparison of Literature Creation

  4. 面对种种挫折,伦琴从来没有掉过眼泪,而总是激流勇进、迎难而上。

    Facing so many difficulties he never shed tears yet he always faced up the difficulties and fought back with courage .

  5. 面对新世纪,公司将激流勇进,以信立人,以新求胜,愿与各界朋友携手共创美好未来。

    Facing the new century , the company will be sweeping into to the letter Liren , new win , willing to work with friends to create the future .

  6. 另一方面,如果媒介大谈经济繁荣,那么人人都会在经济大潮中激流勇进,从而造成真正的繁荣。

    On the other hand , if the media starts talking about a boom period , everyone would hop on board and there actually would be a boom period .

  7. 在过去的两年,中国被认为是在世界严峻的经济形势中激流勇进的国家,对世界经济的复苏做出了很大贡献。

    The past two years have seen China emerge as one of the first countries to realize an economic upturn under stern circumstances , contributing to the world economic recovery .

  8. 将二人的文学创作情况作一试探性的论述,结合分析后可以概括为:曹植&激流勇进;

    Paper draft for will the literature creation condition of 2 persons make the exposition with trial one , after combining analysis can be briefly : CAO ZHi & torrent brave ;

  9. 梦露在1954年拍的西部电影《激流勇进》中穿的裤子在11月22日的拍卖中预计会卖到3800到5700美元。

    The cream pantaloons that Monroe wore in the1954 western movie " river of no return " are estimated to sell for between $ 3800 to $ 5700 at the nov.22 sale .

  10. 产品在研发设计上,采用国际认定材料和设计手法,激流勇进,精益求精,打造无可挑剔的品质。

    As to the r & d and design of products , our company adopts the materials and design methods which are internationally cognized , keep approaching in the fierce competition and keep improving to make the impeccable quality .