
  • Li Fei;【人名】Fei Li
  1. L:我也很高兴认识你。我叫李飞。你在这里度假吗?

    L : Nice to meet you , too . I 'm Li Fei.Are you on a vacation here ? .

  2. 南希来黄冈旅游。她在街上遇到了李飞。

    Nancy comes to Huanggang for a tour.She meets Li Fei in the street .

  3. 李飞是你的儿子吗?是的。

    Is Li Fei your son ? Yes , he is .

  4. 而深圳电视台的编辑、23岁的李飞(音译)说:

    Li Fei , 23 , an editor in Shenzhen Media Group

  5. 李飞说:“我要找一个我爱的人。”

    Li Fei said ," I will find someone I love . "

  6. 关于在香港经营的外国企业是否应该忧虑中国会对香港选举进程施加限制以保证亲北京的候选人胜出,李飞拒绝发表意见。

    Mr Li declined to say whether foreign companies in Hong Kong should be worried that China was imposing restrictions on the electoral process that ensured a pro-Beijing candidate would win .