
xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ jī běn yuán zé
  • basic principles of administrative law;fundamental principles of administrative law
  1. 我国行政法基本原则之重构

    Reconstruction of Basic Principles of Administrative Law in China

  2. 行政法基本原则应当体现行政法治的时代精神。

    The basic principles of administrative law should represent the spirits of modern administration .

  3. 完善行政法基本原则的探讨

    A Probe into Improving the Basic Principles of the Administrative Laws

  4. 行政法基本原则导论

    An Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Administrative Law The Four Statutory Principles of Policy-Making

  5. 第二部分:行政法基本原则司法适用的作用及意义。本部分是对行政法基本原则司法适用的价值追问。

    These are the core question of basic principles of administrative law 's judicial application .

  6. 指导作用是行政法基本原则的核心价值所在。

    The instructive function is the essential part of the fundamental principles of administrative law .

  7. 申辩禁止不利变更&一个不断扩展的行政法基本原则

    Principle of Prohibition of Adverse Alteration in Defense & An Ever-expanding Basic Principle of Administration Law

  8. 这些都是行政法基本原则司法适用研究的核心问题。

    Therefore , the research of the basic principles administrative law basic principle is very important .

  9. 行政法基本原则对行政法的制定、实施等全部活动过程具有指导作用。

    The fundamental principles of administrative law play an instructive role in the formulation , enforcement and other process of the Administrative Law .

  10. 行政法基本原则是一种高度抽象的、体现行政法的基本价值观念的规范。

    The basic principles of the administrative enforcement of law are extremely abstract criteria which incarnate the basic ideas of value of administrative law .

  11. 具体目的是从价值论、存在论、功能论和实践论等角度进行研究,力求揭示与解决行政法基本原则的根据、形成机理、存在形式、功能定位以及运行机制等重大理论与实践问题。

    The foundation , formation , form , orientation of function and operational mechanism of the fundamental principles of administrative law are fairly important issues in theory and practice .

  12. 行政法基本原则作为行政法的基本问题之一,历来为中外行政法学者所重视。

    The basic principles of the administrative law have been always paid attention to by Chinese and foreign administrative law scholars as one of the basic problems of the administrative law .

  13. 阐明基础有:行政法基本原则、行政行为构成、行政权与司法权关系、经验政策。

    The basis of clarification are as follows : the basic principles of administrative law , the component of administrative acts , the relation between executive power and judicial power , and experience policy .

  14. 通过经济法基本原则与民法基本原则、行政法基本原则的比较分析,阐述了经济法可持续发展原则的特有性。

    Through comparative analysis of basic principles of economic law , basic principles of civil law and basic principles of administrative law , the article sets forth the particularity of the sustainable development principle of economic law .

  15. 如何在行政法基本原则与规则之间建立一个中间层级的一般原则,以缓解基本原则的概括性所带来的冲突进而从容面对中国入世后的新挑战,便成为一个新的课题。

    This thesis proposes that in order to alleviate the conflicts the general principles should be set up as an intermediate level between the basic principles and the rules of the administrative law , then we can meet the new challenge of China 's entry into the WTO .

  16. 第二部分从行政法基本原则的角度分析禁摩违背了平等原则、比例原则、信赖保护原则和正当程序原则。

    Part 2 analyzes ban on motorcycle from the perspective of the basic principles of administrative laws and comes to a conclusion that ban on motorcycle violates the principle of equality , the principle of proportionality , the principle of reliance protection , and the principle of due process .

  17. 行政程序法基本原则探微

    A Study on the Basic Principles of Administrative Procedure Law

  18. 我将介绍一下行政法的基本原则。

    I would like to introduce the basic principles of administrative law .

  19. 论行政法的基本原则&法治行政

    Basic Principle of the Administrative Law & the Administration of Law and Order

  20. 行政法的基本原则有三:一是行政法定原则;

    Its basic principles are : administrative law principle ;

  21. 现代行政法的基本原则指引着公务员权利救济的制度建构。

    The basic principles of modern administrative law guide the institutional construction of system of rights remedy of civil servants .

  22. 行政法的基本原则越来越支配和约束着我国各种行政法律制度。

    The basic principles of administrative law are controlling and binding the various administrative legal systems of our country more and more .

  23. 比例原则作为行政法的基本原则,应明确规定于我国行政法律规范;

    As the basic principle of the administrative law , the proportional principle should be prescribed clearly and definitely in the administrative law of China .

  24. 越权原则是英国行政法的基本原则,曾在司法审查中对行政机关的控制和监督方面发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Ultra vires doctrine , the basic principle of British administrative law , once contributed greatly to the control and supervision of administrative agencies by judicial review .

  25. 但究竟什么是行政法的基本原则及行政法的基本原则有哪些,却始终是个争论不休的难题。

    But what are basic principles of administrative law and what does it contain on earth , are problems which are to debate endlessly all the time .

  26. 行政法的基本原则和行政法律文化虽是两个不同的法学范畴,但二者之间具有内容、功能和价值上的共识性。

    Although the basic principle of the administrative law and administration 's legal culture are two different law science categories , but they have content , function and value in common .

  27. 首先阐述我国行政程序法基本原则的研究现状,并探究我国理论界对行政程序法基本原则众说纷坛的原因。

    Firstly , the article states the situation of the study on the basic principles of administrative procedure law and tries to find out why there hasn t been a unified view on this problem .

  28. 引入比例原则作为行政法的基本原则,并成为司法审查的标准之一,将会对我国的行政法治建设起到举足轻重的作用。

    Introduction of the principle of proportionality as the basic principles of administrative law , judicial review standards are becoming one of China 's administrative law and it will play a pivotal role in China administrative law construction .

  29. 公共利益,作为一个行政法的基本原则,其特定的法律内涵有两个方面的层次,一个是相对于个体利而言所具有的内容,即机会均等、公平竞争、资源共享和社会福利;

    Public interests , as the basic principle of an administrative law , has two respects of specific legal intension : one content is relative to individual interests , namely equal opportunities , fair competition , resource-sharing , social welfare ;

  30. 中国立法机构的发言人傅莹说,反恐法符合行政法的基本原则,要求技术公司让政府为调查恐怖活动使用电信和互联网的技术接口是正当的。

    Fu Ying , the spokeswoman for China 's legislature , said that the antiterrorism bill was in accordance with the basic principles of administrative law and was justified in asking that technology companies make telecommunications and Internet ports accessible to the government for investigations .