
xínɡ zhènɡ xínɡ wéi fǎ
  • administrative acts law
  1. 《行政行为法》,人民出版社1992年版,第40页。

    Ying Songnian , Law of Administrative Action , People 's Publishing House , 40 ( 1992 ) .

  2. 政府采购行为究竟应该属于民事行为,行政行为还是经济法行为也是一个争议很大的理论问题。

    Another disputation concentrates on that government procurement actions are civil , administrative or economical actions .

  3. 互动性行政行为是行政法实现这一功能与价值的主要行为类型和行为方式。

    The administrative act of interaction is the main type and fashion of executive act to realize the function and the merit of the administrative law .

  4. 行政行为在整个行政法体系中的作用是不可小觑的,可以说行政行为是整个行政法学的核心。

    Administrative action has most important function in the whole administrative law system . We can say it is the core of the whole system .

  5. 行政指定行为缺乏行政法依据,是一种超越行政职权、违背行政法原则的违法行为。

    Administrative assignation lacks the grounding in administrative law , belongs to illegal behavior beyond administrative authority at the same time of violating the fundamental of administrative law .

  6. 政府行政行为不规范、法违规批地等行为的发生不仅扰乱了正常的市场秩序,同时影响了市场配置土地资源的基础性作用的发挥。

    Irregular government actions and illegal approval of land use have not only disturbed the normal order of land market , but also affected the fundamental function of market in land resource allocation .

  7. 行政行为的效力理论是大陆法系行政法上的重大理论问题,在各国行政行为法的研究中始终处于中心地位,是行政行为的生命。

    The force theory of administrative action is the major theoretical problem at the administrative law of civil law system , having always been at the centre position on the study of administrative action and is the life of administrative action .

  8. 行政收费是一种具体行政行为,属于行政法研究的范畴,应当纳入行政法的规制之中。

    This article thinks that the administrative charge is one kind of concrete administrative action which belongs to the administration research category .

  9. 文章分析了对准政府组织进行行政法律调控的必要性,提出应当从行政组织法、行为法和救济法等方面,对准政府组织及其公务行为加以调整。

    The article has analysis the necessity of it . It also said that we should control it with organization law and action law and responsible law .

  10. 法治行政符合行政法基本原则的标准和含义。它包括四方面内容:政府行政行为应有组织法上的依据;

    The administration of law and order accords with criteria and implications of the basic principle of the administrative law .