
  • 网络constitutional norms;norm of constitution
  1. 宪法规范是宪法学基本范畴之一。

    Constitutional Norms are one of the basic categories of constitution science .

  2. 一般而言,实证宪法规范的正当性可以追溯至某种根本规范,这种根本规范的变动自然会导致宪法规范的变动。

    Generally speaking , the legitimacy of the positive constitutional norms can trace back to some basic norms , and the evolution of the basic norms will naturally cause the change of the constitutional norms .

  3. 形式合理的宪政是通过宪法规范的至上性、宪法适用机构的中立性、宪政运行的程序性与法律技术的规范性等机制来实现的。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    Contemporary legal countries mostly actualize the constitution 's formal rationality through these mechanisms : supremacy of constitutional norm , neutralization of organization taking charge in constitutional law application , due process and standardization of law technique .

  4. 以人为本是法的本元价值、宪法规范的核心体现、宪法生命的根本需要、现代法治的根本保障,因而是宪法文化的价值核心与精神内涵。

    Humanism is the primary value of law and essential expression of constitution .

  5. 其次,禁止性规范框定了人之为人私人领域,在现代宪法规范中具有基础性地位。

    Second , prohibitive norms establish the foundational status of private domain in modern constitution .

  6. 议宪法规范的结构

    On Structure of Constitutional Norm

  7. 论宪法规范的效力

    On Effect of Constitutional Norm

  8. 社会国原则是一项纲领性的宪法规范,也是一项客观宪法原则。

    The principle of sozialstaat is a constitutional norm of programmatic nature , and also an objective constitutional principle .

  9. 同时,也指出了宪法规范与宪法条文并不等同,二者之间既有联系,又有区别。

    As the same time , we point out that the norm of constitution is different from constitutional article .

  10. 作为私有财产权限定语的合法的在宪法规范中的缺陷;

    The defect of word of " legal " as a modifier of the private property rights in the constitution ;

  11. 论住宅权在我国宪法规范上的证立&以未列举宪法权利证立的论据、规范与方法为思路

    Attesting the Constitutional Housing Rights in China : Based on the Argument , Norm and Method of Unenumerated Constitutional Rights

  12. 根本性是宪法规范的内在本质属性,它决定着宪法规范的性质和地位以及宪法规范的诸多特性。

    In other words . essential attribute is fundamentality , which determines the nature , the status , and many other characteristics of the constitutional norm .

  13. 为了更好地进行紧急状态立法,需要对行政紧急权力的宪政基础、宪法规范、宪法性质及宪政规制做深入研究。

    To boost the legislation of emergency , we need a deep study of the constitutional roots , norms , nature and regulation of administrative emergency power .

  14. 在当代的宪政制度发展中违宪审查制度起着有效地解决宪法规范与社会现实冲突的重要功能。

    In the development of constitutional system of the time , the constitutional review power plays an important role in effectively resolving the conflicts between constitutional rules and social praxis .

  15. 保障公民文化权利是宪法规范的一项重要义务,然而由于各方面的制约,我国宪法规范对文化权利的保障仍存在许多不尽人意的地方。

    Safeguarding cultural rights of citizen is an important constitutional obligation , however , due to various constraints , our constitution rules for safeguarding of culture rights exist many unsatisfactory place .

  16. 第二部分探讨了宪法规范与一般法律规范以及宪法规范与宪法条文的关系。

    The second part of this dissertation is about the relationship between the norm of constitution and the norm of common law and between the norm of constitution and constitutional article .

  17. 指出宪法规范作为一种特殊的法律规范,具有一般法律规范的所有属性,也存在其他的差异;

    We point out that the norm of constitution , as a special norm of law , contains all the characteristics of the norm of common law , as well as some differences .

  18. 在考虑中国的现状、福利国的影响和现行宪法规范的前提下,在某些领域以法律家父主义作为立法原则是正当和可行的。

    In some fields , legal paternalism which is considered as legal doctrine is legitimate and feasible on the premise of regarding the situation of China , the influence of welfare state and current constitution .

  19. 但是,通过对比我国已参加的国际公约及发达国家的宪法规范,可以看到我国宪法无论在规范内容的表述上还是宪法规范所涉领域仍存在诸多不足。

    However , by comparing China has participated in international conventions and developed the constitutional norms , can see the constitution of our country in terms of normative content representations or constitutional norm areas covered are still exist many shortage .

  20. 宪法规范必须以控制权力和保障权利为宗旨,合理安排好国家权力与公民权利、公民权利与公民义务和国家权力与国家权力之间的价值关系。

    The constitutional norms must hold the function of power control and rights protection as the tenet , and harmonize the valuable relations between national powers and civil rights , civil rights and civil obligations , national powers each other .

  21. 人格权的法定化在理论上有依据,也是时代的要求;通过宪法规范来确认人格权,通过民法规范来保护人格权,从而建立完备的人格权制度,可以更好的保护人格权。

    The legalization of Personality Right has not only theoretical basis but is the demand of the times as well . The Personality Right can get better formal protection by being identified by the Constitution and executed by the Civil Law .

  22. 宪法义务规范研究

    Research on Constitution Duties of Citizens

  23. 其次,财产权宪法保障规范的价值取向也应该客观地反映近代(绝对神圣)和现代(相对受限)历史规律的要求。

    Secondly , the value orientation of property rights provisions in constitution between modern ( absolute and sacred ) and contemporary ( relative and limited ) should objectively reflect the requirement of historical laws .

  24. 并从中总结出两者由于语言结构不同、法律文化传统的分歧、立宪技术的差异等诸多因素共同作用,使得我国和西方国家在宪法条文规范性上存在较大差异。

    So we finally make the conclusion that the difference in the normalization of constitutional articles between China and the Western countries is due to the factors such as different structure of language , divergent tradition of the culture of laws , and diverse constitutional techniques .

  25. 第六章完善我国行政性限制竞争行为法律规制的具体对策,主要论述完善反垄断法、行政法、宪法等法律规范对行政性限制竞争的规制。

    Chapter ⅵ" The concrete countermeasures by which perfects law adjustment mechanism of administratively restrictive practice ", mainly discusses several law departments such as antimonopoly law , administrative law and constitution law .

  26. 宪法虽然以规范政治主体行为为首要任务,但从实践中考察,宪法产生于政治冲突,并且在政治冲突中得到检验、发展和完善。

    The Constitution puts the standardization of action of the body of the politics on the first place , but in actual , the Constitution is brought from the political struggle , examined and developed in the political conflict .

  27. 以宪法概念思维:规范是如何发现的?

    Thinking With Constitutional Concepts : How Norms Are Discovered ?

  28. 宪法上的征收规范一般不拘束征税。

    Generally speaking , taxation is not subject to the takings clause in the Constitution .

  29. 宪法概念就是宪法规范。

    Constitutional concept is constitutional norm .

  30. 违宪审查制度是特定的国家机关根据特定的程序或者方式,针对违反宪法的行为或者规范性、非规范行文件进行审查并进行处理的制度。

    Review of constitutionality is an institution that state organs specially appointed review and handle with the unconstitutional acts .