
xiàn zhènɡ yùn dònɡ
  • Constitutional Movement
  1. 它是西方宪政运动的产物。

    It is the outcome of the western movement of constitutionalism .

  2. 1943-1944年的第二次宪政运动高潮;

    1943-1944 , the second constitutionalism activities high tide ;

  3. 关于清末宪政运动的几个问题

    On Several Issues Relating to the Constitutionalist Movement in Last Years of Qing Dynasty

  4. “九一八”事变后,国内掀起了一场宪政运动的浪潮。

    Soon after the September18th Incident , a tidal wave for Constitution Movement rose in China .

  5. 其次,第一次宪政运动为民盟的成立和初步发展创造了条件。

    Secondly , the First Constitutionalism Movement created the terms for the establishment and tentative development of the China Democratic Alliance .

  6. 近代宪政运动是自由主义发展的产物,宪政是自由主义思想中的基本范畴。

    The modern constitutionalism movement is the outcome of the development of liberalism , and constitutionalism is the basic category of the theory of liberalism .

  7. 首先,20世纪三四十年代两次宪政运动的兴起具有深刻的背景和原因。

    First of all , the happen of the two constitutionalism movements had profound background andreason in thirty or forty ages of the 20th century .

  8. 正文分为三部分,第一部分用详尽的史料介绍了国民参政会时期的社会背景,并分析了国民参政会的组织、职权和性质及国民参政会时期的宪政运动。

    The text is divided into three parts , First part introduced the social background , the organization , functions and powers of national meeting with the exhaustive historical data .

  9. 世界宪政运动实践证明,单纯追求宪政制度的建立,并不意味着一个国家宪政的成功。

    It has been proved by the practice of constitutional movement around the world that , only the establishment of constitutional systems can 't make the success of constitutional movement in a country .

  10. 这个宪政运动的方向,决不会依照顽固派所规定的路线走去,一定和他们的愿望背道而驰,它必然是依照人民所规定的路线走去的。

    The movement for constitutional government will never follow the course decided on by the die-hards , but will run counter to their intentions , and it will inevitably take the course decided on by the people .

  11. 第二,第一次宪政运动的成果,虽然包括宪政思想宣传与宪政观念普及,但唯一的有形成果则是体现西方议会模式的期成宪草。

    Second , although the achievements of the first constitutional government movement included promoting constitutional ideology and spreading the idea of constitutional government , its only tangible result was the recommended draft constitution which embodied the Western parliamentary model .

  12. 这八次重大宪政活动依次为:1939-1940年的第一次宪政运动高潮;

    These eight constitutionalism activities are as follows : 1939-1940 , the first constitutionalism activities high tide ;

  13. 苏联社会主义宪政制度和宪政模式的建立,开创了社会主义宪政运动的先河。

    The found of socialistic constitutionalism system and constitutionalism model of the Soviet Union started the socialistic constitutional movements .

  14. 在外部因素的刺激下,宪政观念开始萌芽,并催生了20世纪初蓬勃的宪政运动。

    By the stimulation of extra factors , the ideas of constitutionalism germinated , and led to the constitutional movements at the dawn of the 20th century .