
  • 网络the Gazette
  1. 总督可在宪报刊登命令而修订附表。

    The governor may by order published in the Gazette amend the schedules .

  2. 处长可藉在宪报刊登的命令修订附表。

    The director may by order published in the Gazette amend the schedule .

  3. 总督可藉宪报公告修订附表。

    The governor may , by notice in the gazette , amend the schedule .

  4. 处长可藉宪报公布认可某一枪弹推动打钉工具。

    The Commissioner may approve a cartridge-operated fixing tool by notice in the gazette .

  5. 上市公司一般毋须在宪报指定报章刊登付款公布。

    Listed companies are not generally required to issue paid announcements in gazetted newspapers .

  6. 法案在提交立法会之前,会先在宪报上刊登。

    A bill is first published in the Gazette before it is introduced into the council .

  7. 总督可借宪报命令修订本条例任何附表。

    The Governor may by order published in the Gazette amend any Schedule to this Ordinance .

  8. 在政府宪报公布建议项目后,进行详细的社会影响评估。

    A detailed social impact assessment after the proposed project has been published in the government gazette .

  9. 市政局可不时藉宪报刊登的通告,将附表1修订。

    The Council may from time to time by notification published in the Gazette amend the first schedule .

  10. 委员会须将根据第(1)款规定之任何表格在宪报公布。

    The Authority may publish in the Gazette any form specified by it under subsection ( 1 ) .

  11. 有关符合网上报税的准则是由税务局局长指明,并在宪报刊登。

    Criteria for Internet filing are specified by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and published in the government gazette .

  12. 保安司可不时藉在宪报上刊登的公告而修订附表。

    The Secretary for security may from time to time by notice published in the Gazette amend the schedule .

  13. 有关项目首次刊登宪报的日期,将作为该项目的开始实施日期。

    The date on which the project is first published will be regarded as the commencement date of the project .

  14. 总督可藉宪报刊登的命令,修订附表1、2或3。

    The governor may , by order published in the gazette , amend the first , second or third schedule .

  15. 每当总督批给或取消该类特许时,登记官须在宪报公告该事。

    Whenever the governor grants or cancels any such licence , the Registrar shall give public notice thereof in the gazette .

  16. 此外,所有新法例均会在政府宪报刊登。我时常爱看一些刊登桃色新闻的小报。

    All new legislation is published in the Government Gazette . I like to read a scandal sheet every now and then .

  17. 财政司于取得总督会同行政局的批准后,可藉宪报公告修订附表。

    The financial secretary may , with the approval of the governor in council , by notice in the Gazette amend the schedule .

  18. 大城市环城游憩地开发的实证研究&以武汉市为例在宪报刊登的游憩用地、公园及游乐场

    Empirical Research on Recreational Belt around Metropolis & An example of Wuhan City ; " gazetted open space , park and playground "

  19. 为施行本条例,总督可藉宪报公告,定出某日为指定日期。

    The governor may by notice in the Gazette appoint a day to be the appointed day for the purposes of this ordinance .

  20. 处长可为施行本条例藉宪报公告委任他认为合适的人为督察。

    The director may by notice in the Gazette appoint such persons as he thinks fit to be inspectors for the purposes of this ordinance .

  21. 该法律一旦在国家宪报上公布,就会同时发布在卫生部网站上

    Once the law is released in the national gazette , it will also be published on the web site of the Ministry of Health at

  22. 2项目开始实施的日期,须与项目首次在宪报公布的日期相同。

    2 the commencement date of the implementation of the project shall be the same date on which the project is first published in the gazette .

  23. 总督可藉宪报公告,委任一名专员负责编制一套香港法例的编正版。

    The governor may , by notice in the gazette , appoint a commissioner who shall prepare a revised edition of the laws of Hong kong .

  24. 但如发予某一组别或界别的人,管理局可藉宪报公告发出该通知。

    Provided that in the case of a group or class of persons such notice may be issued by means of a notification in the gazette .

  25. 该组为九广铁路西部铁路第一期工程及地下铁路将军澳支线工程刊登宪报,并进行收地。

    It was involved in the gazetting and land acquisition for Phase I of West Rail Project and the MTR Corporation 's Tseung Kwan O Extension Project .

  26. 如果他们回答说他们,总选举事务主任,选举他们宣布他们在新西兰宪报刊登公告当选。

    If they reply that they are , the Chief Electoral Officer then elects them by declaring them elected in a notice published in the New Zealand Gazette .

  27. 凡已作出破产令,破产管理署署长须随即将有关该令的公告送交宪报及他认为合适的一份或多于一份本地报章。

    Where a bankruptcy order is made the official receiver shall forthwith send notice thereof to the Gazette and to such local newspaper or newspapers as he may think fit .

  28. 最新的名册及申请列入名册的办法,每年都会在香港特别行政区政府宪报刊登,并会定期覆检。

    Up-to-date lists and the method of application for inclusion in the lists are published in the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette annually and are reviewed regularly .

  29. 为施行本条例,总督可委任任何人为自然护理员或义务自然护理员,任何上述委任须在宪报刊登。

    The governor may appoint any person to be a nature warden or honorary nature warden for the purposes of this Ordinance and any such appointment shall be published in the gazette .

  30. 在每一个新的年度,宪报的期数和所有政府公告、条例、规例、特别副刊及公共启事的公告编号,均会从头再开始。

    At the beginning of every calendar year the issue number and all notice numbers for the government notices , ordinances , regulations , special supplements , and public notices will start from afresh .