
  • 网络Middle Temple
  1. 你抓住“延边会议”这根稻草不放,就这根稻草把我们院长吓着了,把CS中院院长也吓着了。

    You hold the straw of " Yanbian conference " and do not put away , this straw has scared our chief and CS court .

  2. 按规定CS市FR区法院应将此案卷材料和诉讼费立即移送北京第二中院审理。

    FR District Court in CS City should transfer the materials and lawsuit costs to Beijing Second Intermediate Court immediately according to the provisions of law .

  3. 考虑到法律的明确规定,考虑到CS市中院因此案已经造成的负面影响考虑到我们的社会关系和公关能力,省高院最后还是维持原判。

    Thinking of the provisions of the law , the negative impact to CS court of the case , our social relations and capacity of public relations , HN province high court finally affirm the original judgment .

  4. 从住到居&当代居住环境设计中院的再生

    From Living to Housing - Regeneration of Yard in Contemporary Living Environment Design

  5. 广州文化公园园中院浙江象山县生态文化园规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Ecological Cultural Park in Xiangshan County of Zhejiang Province

  6. 而其中的中院就是晋商大院。

    Which is the then traders courtyard .

  7. 青岛中院综合楼工程超长大体积底板施工技术

    Construction Technique of Excessive Length Mass Concrete Foundation Slab at Qingdao Intermediate People 's Court General Building

  8. 公诉机关以龚德勇涉嫌故意杀人罪向合肥市中院提起公诉。

    Public prosecutor to Gong Deyong suspicion of manslaughter to the Hefei Intermediate People 's Court for prosecution .

  9. 但是,方舟子表示这个判决不会阻碍他继续揭批科学不端行为。他已经向武汉中院提起上诉。

    But Fang , who is appealing to the Intermediary Court of Wuhan , says the ruling will not stop him .

  10. 本文作者提出了军队医院医疗成本核算中院、科两级核算脱节;在院病人医药费未计入当期收入;

    The author points out that there is a disconnection on hospital and department levels of medical cost calculation in army hospitals .

  11. 具体评述了高执办倡导模式、绍兴中院模式、长沙中院模式、重庆高院模式。

    The specific comments of the high Executive Office mode , Shaoxing Court model , Changsha Court model , Chongqing High Court mode .

  12. 本文总结分析了医院建立“院中院”的成功经验,提出在大医院建立“院中院”的发展模式,是优化医院管理资源、加强内涵建设、形成竞争实力的有效举措。

    The experiment of establishing a hospital in a general hospital was discussed that was a nice way to optimize hospital resources and improve hospital core competence .

  13. 通过对宁波中院有关裁定的分析,可发现其在裁判逻辑、法律适用与解释上的不足。

    Through analysis on the recent Ningbo Intermediate Court 's ruling , the court 's weaknesses in adjudicate reasoning , law application and legal construction could be observed .

  14. 常州市中院经审理认为,被告所生产的提花牛仔布上印制有原告注册的路易威登系列商标图案,已构成侵犯原告的注册商标专用权;

    The Court held that the defendant 's act infringed LV 's trademark rights and the defendant also took advantage of the plaintiff products'reputation to harvest inequitable interests .

  15. 山西素有地上文物大省的美誉,纵观山西省的资源分布可用七个字概括:北佛、中院、南寻根。

    Shanxi Province ", " the great cultural relics of Shanxi Province , throughout the resource distribution available seven words Buddha , then summarized : north and south roots .

  16. 为了尽快地改变原来所采用的传统教学方式和模式,各所大中院校都将利用网络技术建设校园网,满足现代教育的要求。

    In order to change the old traditional teaching method and pattern , every college would utilize the network technology to build the strong campus network to meet the educational requirement .

  17. 深圳俊园超长大体积框支梁施工技术青岛中院综合楼工程超长大体积底板施工技术

    CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF FRAME SUPPORTED SUPER-LONG MASS CONCRETE GIRDERS IN JUN YUAN PROJECT IN SHENZHEN Construction Technique of Excessive Length Mass Concrete Foundation Slab at Qingdao Intermediate People 's Court General Building

  18. 其次,详细地分析了榆林市中院的所作判决的合理性及判决的效力问题,指出人民法院的判决应当被尊重和执行。

    Secondly , analyses the rationality and effectiveness of judgment from Yulin City Intermediate People court , and points out that the judgment of a people court should be respected and implemented .

  19. 今天上午,合肥新站区“5·14”杀人焚尸案将在合肥中院开庭审理,犯罪嫌疑人龚德勇被控故意杀人罪。

    This morning , the Hefei New Station Area " 5.14 " burned his murder case will be heard in the Hefei Intermediate Court , the suspect Gongde Yong was charged with intentional homicide .

  20. 二是论述了全程服务中院前急救服务、门诊急诊服务、住院服务、出院后服务和院外服务的内容与方法;

    And then , the contents and measures of this idea including the emergency treatment before hospital , the service in the emergency department and in the clinic department and so on were further studied .

  21. 以洛阳中院李慧娟事件为例描叙了我国法官独立缺失的现状,从宪法制度不完善与具体制度不健全两个方面分析了法官独立缺失的原因。

    Take Li Hui Juan incident as example , this part describes the shortage of the judge independence at present in our country and analyzes its reason from two perspectives of the shortage of constitutional order and the specific system .

  22. 不过按既定安排,周一上海一中院还将宣判首钢集团前官员谭以新等人涉嫌侵犯商业秘密的案件;据官方媒体报道,谭以新是在有关部门拘捕了力拓四位管理人员过后数日被拘捕的。

    Yet , the same court on Monday has scheduled a verdict on a case alleging that Tan Yixin , a former official of Beijing-based steelmaker Shougang Group who state media reports say was detained days after the Rio Tinto executives were taken by authorities , and others infringed on commercial secrets .