
  1. 并在宪法权力问题上使开明人士的观点接近共识。

    and approzimated the opinions of enlightened minds upon the question of constitutional power .

  2. 最后分析了人性善的价值观对五权宪法权力重置的影响。

    Finally , it analyses the influence of value of good human nature on the power resetting in the five-power constitution .

  3. 相反,我们的职责是鼓励他们在我们宪法权力范围内,应用他们最佳的手段。

    On the contrary , it is our duty to encourage them to the extent of our constitutional authority to apply their best means ,

  4. 因此,现代法治国家均要求侦查权力依循宪法权力的内在理路而具有规范化、程序化、可救济性等特点。

    So , in modern law-ruling countries , the investigative power should be standardized , processed , and redeemed according to the inherent coherence ;

  5. 现代侦查权力本质上是一种宪法权力,宪政的基本原理决定了宪法权力是一种受宪法和权利规制的权力。

    Modern investigative power is a kind of constitutional power in nature , according to the basic constitutional principles , it should be controlled by constitution and rights .

  6. 宪法对权力的制约是为了保护人民的权利,而对个人私域的界分和对私产的保护是限制政府权力、保护人民权利的前提条件;

    He also believed that the division of private field and the protection of private property was the precondition of limiting the government 's power and protecting people 's rights .

  7. 我国行政裁决制度的存在符合现代法治原则,不违反我国宪法有关权力分工的规定,保障了公民宪法上的诉讼权利。

    Our system of Administrative Adjudication is fitting in with the modern principle of rule of law and the provisions of dividing of powers of our constitution , also ensuring citizens litigating rights .

  8. 瑕疵证据是指侦查机关在取证过程中,违反法定取证程序,尚未侵犯公民宪法性权力而取得的具有轻微违法性的证据。

    The slight defective evidence refers to the evidence that the detection of defective organs in evidence collection process breached the statutory procedure for obtaining evidence , but has not been a constitutional violation of civil authority .

  9. 我国宪法监督的权力渊源与构造原理

    The Origin of the Constitutional Force of Supervision and Evaluation on its Construct

  10. 作为公民授予政府权力的法案,宪法是政府权力产生的合法性依据。

    As a granted bill of government power from citizen , Constitution is the original legitimate basis of government power .

  11. 宪法构建国家权力的基本框架,确立国家权力的组织活动原则,直接规范国家立法。

    The constitution establishes the framework of the state power , defines its working principles , and prescribes the state legislative directly .

  12. 宗法秩序的价值观影响了近现代中国的制宪和行宪,它对舶来的宪法进行了权力重置。

    The values of patriarchal order affected the drawing up and implement of modern Chinese constitution , and it had reset the state power of the imported constitution .

  13. 这位伊朗领导人表示,他正在考虑有无可能动用宪法赋予的权力,将选择的权力交给人民。部分分析人士认为,此言是一个警告,表示他可能试图将核协议提交公投。

    The Iranian leader said he was looking at the possibility of using his constitutional rights to give power to the people in comments that some analysts took as a warning that he may try to put a nuclear agreement to a public vote .

  14. l明示权力&宪法明确授权的权力。

    Express powers & directly specified in the Constitution .

  15. 马达加斯加宪法法庭批准了权力移交。

    The island nation 's Constitutional Court approved the handover of power .

  16. 宪法语境中的权力和权利&解读弗里德里希·冯·哈耶克的宪法思想

    Power and right in constitutional domain & interpreting Friedrich von Hayek 's constitutional ideology

  17. 这是宪法给我的权力!

    It 's my constitutional right fool !

  18. 宪法上对这些权力有一定限制,也就是任何决定都要咨询总统顾问团。

    These have several constitutional restrictions , namely the need to consult the presidential advisory body .

  19. 这样的授权提出了根本的问题,;它们涉及到在我们的政体之下宪法所规定的权力分配。

    Such delegations raise fundamental questions concerning the constitutional distribution of authority in our system of government .

  20. 不只是总统府,连总理府、国民议会、参议院、宪法委员会等有权力的机构都在右派的掌控之下。

    Assembly , the Senate , and the Constitutional Council , are now in the grip of his rightist coalition .

  21. 这部宪法将主要的权力集中在军方手中。美国严厉批评缅甸制定宪法的程序,因为这部宪法基本上把反对派政党排除在外。

    The United States was an harsh critic of the Burmese constitution-writing process because it largely excluded the political opposition .

  22. 瑞典的教育制度多样化。这是因为瑞士的宪法将学校的权力委派给各个州。

    The education system is very diverse , because the constitution of Switzerland delegates the authority for the school system to the cantons .

  23. 汉密尔顿利用(第二部、中央集权的)宪法所赋予的权力来承担这些债务,发行了新的联邦债务。

    Hamilton used the powers of the ( second and centralising ) constitution to assume these debts , issuing new federal debt , instead .

  24. 宪法作为配置国家权力、保障公民权利的高级法也受到全球化的深刻影响。

    The constitution as the disposition state power , safeguards the rights of citizens ' high-level method also to receive globalized the profound influence .

  25. 国家自主性的保障机制有培养成熟的市民社会、合理配置国家权力、以宪法权利制约国家权力等。

    The protection of national autonomy mechanism train mature civil society , rational distribution of state power to restrict state power and other constitutional rights .

  26. 密切注意宪法规定的联邦权力、州权和人民所保留权力的界限,

    a careful observance of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the States or to the people ,

  27. 公民基本义务设立的正当性在于它与宪法规定的国家权力、公民基本权利之间的密切关系。

    The main reason for setting up fundamental obligations of citizens in constitution is its intimate relationship with national power and the fundamental rights of citizens .

  28. 宪法给予斐济居民权力通过口译员以任何官方语言与任何政府部门进行沟通。

    Citizens of Fiji have the constitutional right to communicate with any government agency in any of the official languages , with an interpreter to be supplied on request .

  29. 民事起诉权是基于检察机关法律监督权转化而来,属于宪法上的国家权力配置机制,应当得到尊重和坚持。

    Civil indictment powers are based on the transformed procuratorial organs , it belongs to the constitution of the national power distribution mechanism , should be respected and more appreciated .

  30. 从宪法之制约国家权力、保障公民权利的视角看,应强调对国家考试权力与公民考试权利的平等保护。

    Since the Constitution has the function to restrict the government 's power and protect the civil rights , it is necessary to conduct equal protection of both the government testing rights and the civil testing rights .