
  • 网络social memory;Community Memories
  1. 我是和社会记忆复合体(socialmemorycomplex)同在,我是其中的一部分,那些中的一个从你们太阳系的另一个行星开始向外旅行,如这个实体所称的。

    I am , with the social memory complex of which I am a part , one of those who voyaged outward from another planet within your own solar system , as this entity would call it .

  2. 私人档案是社会记忆的一个重要补充。

    Private archives is an important supplement to the social memory .

  3. 蒙汉文化交融的社会记忆&以辽宁阜新地区的巴拉根仓故事为例

    Social Memory of the Intermingling of the Mongol - Chinese Culture

  4. 社会记忆理论同时适应和推动新史学研究的发展。

    Social theory of memory promotes the development of new historiography .

  5. 历史事实·社会记忆·族群认同&以青海黄南吾屯土族为个案的研究

    Historical Facts , Social Memory and Identity of Ethnic Group

  6. 第五章分析归纳了泉州的社会记忆资源。

    Chapter ⅴ summarizes the social memory resources in Quanzhou .

  7. 因此,必须要把社会记忆和历史意识联系起来进行研究。

    Thus we must take historicity into consideration when we study social memory .

  8. 第三部分论述了档案与社会记忆的关系。

    The third part discusses t the relationship between archives with social memory .

  9. 第三章对社会记忆与旅游市场吸引力的相关关系进行分析。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the relationship between social memory and attractiveness of the tourist market .

  10. 社会记忆及其建构一项关于知青集体记忆的研究

    Social Memory and Its Construction-A Study of the Collective Memory of the Intellectual Youth Generation

  11. 论社会记忆的合法性根据

    On Validity Foundation of Social Memory

  12. 档案具有原始记录作用,是历史的承载物,社会记忆构建必须依赖档案的原始记录性和不可替代性。

    Memory of a society must rely on the original records and not substitute of features .

  13. 该章进行了社会记忆研究综述,对社会记忆做了界定。

    It reviews the research on social memory studies and defines the concept of social memory .

  14. 社会记忆中的性别偏好

    Gender Partiality in Social Memory

  15. 社会记忆是人们宝贵的财富,对人类文明的传承和社会的融合具有重要的作用。

    Social memory is a valuable wealth of human civilizations and have an important role in social integration .

  16. 它以特殊的记忆形式进入说唱者的操演并不断加深、重现、重构或重造地方社会记忆。

    Special mnemonics are used in the narrator 's performances , strengthening , re-presenting , and reconstructing local memories .

  17. 此外,本研究还为社会记忆的研究提供一个新的个案。

    In addition , this study also provides a new case for the study of social memory as well .

  18. 社会记忆是人们对共同历史、经验、事物的感知和重构,是人类所特有的。

    Social memory is the common history , experiences , perceptions and re-organizing themselves , which is peculiar to mankind .

  19. 这股飓风随后吹向了全中国,留下了一段后来被称为“十年浩劫”的社会记忆。

    This storm was soon blowing throughout China and left with a social memory which is now called " Ten-year Calamity " .

  20. 借助于各类反复再现的宗教仪式活动,传统风水观念已逐步内敛化为一种社会记忆,从而影响着福建不同民系的文化认同抉择。

    Fengshui has been turned into a social memory through a gradual internalization , influencing the identification choice of different nationalities in Fujian .

  21. 第四章对青年这个研究对象进行了年龄界定,分析了台湾青年的社会记忆的来源。

    In chapter IV , the age of young people is defined . It also analyzes the social memory sources of young Taiwanese .

  22. 从哲学层面上提出和研究社会记忆,有人性论、生存论和认识论等三个方面的合法性根据。

    Potting forward and studying social memory on the lay of philosophy , we have three validity foundation of humanism , existence and epistemology .

  23. 在对录巴寺基督教社区的描述中,本文所更多呈现的是与百年历史相连的社会记忆和认同问题。

    In the description of Rub Pa Si , the paper takes much more attention to the social memory and identity of the Christians .

  24. 与此同时,社会记忆变成是对图式的不断加工和重构以适应千变万化的社会现实的手段。

    This paper describes how social memory processes and reconstructs the schema of guanxi as a means to adapt to the changing social realities .

  25. 故事文本成为特定区域群体意识的历史积淀,是特定历史阶段的社会记忆。

    The text of the stories which have became the accumulation of collective consciousness in this area is the social memory in different historical periods .

  26. 人们通过实践和表述社会记忆来呈现他们的历史意识,历史意识又影响他们的社会记忆方式。

    People present their historicity from practicing and expressing social memory , and at the same time , historicity influences their manner of social memory .

  27. 在前面论述的基础上重点阐述了档案是如何在社会记忆建构中发挥作用的。

    In front of the paper is focused on the ways of how the archives play the roles in the construction of social memory work .

  28. 本文通过对一个个案的研究,从社会记忆理论的角度诠释了中国农村地区生育实践中的性别偏好。

    This essay expounds the gender partiality in childbirth in China 's rural areas through case study and from the angle of the social memory theory .

  29. 衍生文本既是研究的切入点,也是社会记忆建构机制新变化的现象之一。

    The derived-texts are not only a starting point of research , but also one of the new phenomena of the constructing mechanism of social memory .

  30. 可持续发展系统的演化可划分为四个阶段的社会记忆,即原始文明、农业文明、工业文明和生态文明。

    The evolution of sustainable development system can be divided into four stage'social memory ' : primitive civilization , agricultural civilization , industrial civilization and ecological civilization .