
shǔ bèi
  • mean creatures;scoundrels;mean fellow
鼠辈 [shǔ bèi]
  • [mean fellow;scoundrels] 犹言小子。行为不正或无足轻重的人--骂人的话

  • 鼠辈安敢如此

鼠辈[shǔ bèi]
  1. 一只超然豁达的老鼠高声颂扬大自然的仁厚,赞美它对鼠辈们所给予的特别的关爱。

    A philosophical loudly in praise of nature 's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection .

  2. 你们都看过那个鼠辈的作为。

    You 've seen the way the sneaky bloke operates .

  3. 会给方特兰公爵这种鼠辈效力

    would work for a useless fool like the Duke of the Frontlands ?

  4. 不行,你们这些鼠辈,离她远点!

    No , you bastards ! Get off her !

  5. 这小鼠辈要躲回灶台下了。

    Now he 's gonna run under the stove .

  6. 那对鼠辈是种侮辱。

    Which is an insult to the rodent .

  7. 你才是应该戴鼠辈面具的人

    You should have worn the rat mask .

  8. 它不诸熟鼠辈的路径,也不寻迹虫蛇的洞穴。

    It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent .

  9. 在(外力)催促(之下),我们这些鼠辈不仅要掌握已知的(事物)而且要探求未知的(事物)。

    We , in a rat-race , are urged to not only grasp the known but also quest for the unknown .

  10. 别紧张嘛,不见得是大老鼠,可能只是小小鼠辈,没事的。

    Relax . It 's probably not even a rat , it 's probably a mouse . Not a big deal .

  11. 一份据说是卡扎菲发出的广播讲话,呼吁的黎波里民众清除那里所谓的罪犯,叛徒和鼠辈。

    An audio message said to be from Gadhafi called on the residents of Tripoli to clear the city of what he called criminals , traitors and rats .