
  1. 尽管这类故事在我们新闻杂志上屡屡可见,但能亲身体验,确实感到法喜充满!

    There have been many such stories in the Supreme Master Ching Hai news , but to personally experience it was really great !

  2. 我感到非常高兴,全身上下更是法喜充满,如痴如醉,忍不住哭了起来。

    I was so happy and a feeling of bliss , ecstasy and rapture filled my whole body . I could not help crying .

  3. 打禅期间,每个人都法喜充满。结束时,我们满载师父的爱力,相互道别。

    Everyone was full of joy and happiness during the retreat , and recharged with love from master , we said goodbye to each other at the end .

  4. 两天的打禅,我们深刻感受到师父无所不在的浩瀚圣爱。最后在圣赞声中,大家法喜充满地互道下次打禅再见。

    Finally , amidst the ethereal sound of holy hymns , and filled with bliss , we bade farewell and looked forward to seeing each other again at the next retreat .

  5. 看完书后,她觉得法喜充满,认定清海师父就是她要找的师父,当下决定要跟师父印心修行。

    After finishing the booklet , she was absolutely filled with bliss , was certain that Supreme Master Ching Hai was the master she had been seeking , and immediately decided to request initiation .

  6. 法会即将开始,一如既往的菩提甘露从天飘落了下来,使得我们燥热心情倍觉清凉,法喜充满。

    When the'Mengshan'Ritual was about to start , Buddhi sweet dew was sprinkled from the sky , making everyone feel cool and happy .