
  1. 新法律通过所有的步骤了吗?

    Has the new law gone through all its stages yet ?

  2. 法律通过语言表现出来,语言是法律的载体。

    It is embodied in language , that is , language is the carrier of law .

  3. 比如说你这个月的客户想让一个法律通过,而下个月你的另一个客户则不希望这项法律通过。

    Let 's say your client this month wants a law passed and your client next month doesn 't.

  4. 此项法律通过后,那个州的犯人允许每天有两个小时的户外活动。

    After the law was passed , the prisoners in that state are permitted two hours'outdoor exercise a day .

  5. 泰国新法律通过之时,正是泰国政府启动220亿美元用于刺激衰弱经济的时候。

    The new laws are being passed as the Thai government begins spending $ 22 billion to stimulate the slumping economy .

  6. 如果该法律通过的话,达到标准的匹萨将被允许挂上一个享有盛名的纯银标志。

    If the law is approved , pizzas that make the grade will be allowed to sport a prestigious STG label .

  7. 律师解释法律通过行动和语言为保护个人,一个企业或一个想法。

    Lawyers interpret the law through actions and words for the protection of an individual , a business concern or an idea .

  8. 导致这项立法的原因出现在法律通过前的大约二十年,即定居者向美国西南部迁移的时期。

    The impetus for passing this law began building a couple decades before its enactment , as settlers began moving into the U.S.Southwest .

  9. 法律通过两种形式规制不完备契约:第一,法律提供备用性规则;第二,法律提供强制性规则。

    The law regulates incomplete contract in two ways : First , it provides defaults rules ; Second , it provides mandatory rules .

  10. 新法律通过建立成年人的保护服务社并且给它权力干涉紧急形势做一些较大的变化。

    The new legislation made some major changes by creating the Adult Protective Services Division and giving it the authority to intervene in emergency situations .

  11. 法律通过设立目标、原则、规则和标准,规范个人、单位、政府和政府部门的责权利。

    Law establishes objective principles , rules and criteria to regulate rights , responsibilities and conduct of individuals , communities , governments , and administrative agencies .

  12. 全国人代会届时将有两项重要法律通过表决。一项是物业法,另一项是公司所得税法。

    Two new and highly important laws are expected to be adopted during the NPC session , namely the Property Law and the Corporate Income Tax Law .

  13. 自这项法律通过18年以来,医生和医院建立起了越来越多的规则,旨在保护伤患的隐私。

    In the 18 years since the law was passed , doctors and hospitals have put in place an ever-expanding list of rules meant to protect patient privacy .

  14. 虽然法律通过取缔违禁者的参赛资格起到了减少比赛中使用兴奋剂的问题,但是它只是一种片面的解决方法。

    Although legislation , through the banning of offenders , has the potential to lessen the problem of drug use in sport , it is only a partial solution .

  15. 虽然苏格兰方面希望在保护水怪的相关法律通过之前赏金猎人们不要找到水怪,但伦敦方面却想尽快亲眼看到水怪被射杀的场面。

    But while Scotland hoped that the bounty hunters could be kept at bay long enough to get new laws passed to protect her , London preferred her shot on sight .

  16. 如果法律通过了,“我们将起诉罗德阿,”他说,并发誓要采取一切案件的方式向联邦法院&瑞士的最高司法部门申诉。

    If the law passes ," we will sue Appenzell ," he says , vowing to take the case all the way to the Federal Court & Switzerland 's highest judicial authority .

  17. 1985年法律通过为计算机程序作者提供保护,规定复印机和空白磁带的设备税进一步改善了著作权的保护状况。

    Since 1985 German copyright law has began to provide protection for computer program designer and to regulate tax of blank tapes and copier equipments , in order to improve copyright protection .

  18. 修改的法律通过商业附加税每年20多亿美元的方式再提高25亿美元;你们知道征收关税法中作了修订吗?

    The revised law was expected to raise $ 2.5 billion through a surtax on businesses with annual incomes over $ 2 million ; Have you studied the alterations to the taxation law ?

  19. 其中,司法正义的实质是符合正义标准的法律通过科学的程序适用到具体案件,从而得到公正结果的活动。

    All of these theories , the essence of justice is the action that laws which fit to the standard of the justice are applied to special cases thereby get the just consequence .

  20. 根据金融时报报道,如果法律通过,会让乡镇地方政府立即禁止乞讨,可能在2015年夏天实施。

    According to The Financial Times ( F T ), if this new law is passed , it will allow local municipalities to introduce an immediate ban on begging that will take effect nationally by summer 2015 .

  21. 该项法律通过强化破产公司董事(高级管理人员)的个人责任,规范董事在公司治理中的诚信勤勉义务,增进企业信用,维护债权人的合法权益。

    This paper focuses on the director 's personal liabilities on creditors of insolvent companies to regulate director 's credibility duties and duties of care to improve enterprises ' credit standing and to protect the legal rights of creditors .

  22. 所以我的观点是,法律通过的那一瞬间,治安官将走出去执行这部法律,这就是我的信息,而不是为了面对联邦法官。

    So my point is the minute a law is passed , this sheriff is going to go out and enforce the law , that was my message , not trying to get in the face of a federal judge .

  23. 自从国家权力占主导地位以后,私力救济被运用的范围越来越小了,无可厚非,国家权力运用的过程是法律通过刑事司法制度的强制性力量来实现的。

    Since the power of state plays a dominant role , private remedy has been used in an increasingly narrower scope . It is understandable that the use of state power is realized through the coercive power of criminal judicial system .

  24. 但当法律通过必要的委托方式&力量,强行管制人民的劳动、教育方法或科目、宗教信仰时,法律不再是消极的;

    But when the law , by means of its necessary agent , force , imposes upon men a regulation of labor , a method or a subject of education , a religious faith or creed & then the law is no longer negative ;

  25. 中医界热切期盼,这部法律尽快通过并出台。

    We hope the law can be passed and issued soon .

  26. 来自老年同性恋者拥护机构SAGE的MichaelAdams说,这项法律的通过对老年同性恋者有深刻的意义。

    Michael Adams of SAGE , an advocacy group for older gays , says the passage of the law is especially poignant for them .

  27. 而大量法律是通过行政执法部门实施的。

    And a great number of laws are implemented by administrative departments .

  28. 但要法律上通过绝非易事。

    But it wasn 't easy passing the law .

  29. 她在法律上通过了她母亲的第二任丈夫詹姆斯教堂。

    She was legally adopted by her mother 's second husband , James Church .

  30. 新法律已经通过了。

    The new law has gone through .