
tuí pǐ
  • Decadent; collapse;topple down
颓圮 [tuí pǐ]
  • (1) [collapse]∶倒塌

  • 古刹颓圮

  • (2) [degenerate]∶堕落;败坏

  1. 例如,齐柏林(Zeppelin)讲坛虽然日渐颓圮但是仍然宏伟。元首和他的左膀右臂曾站在那里,陶醉地看着下面的群众,整齐划一地表达崇敬。这是当今仅存的一座希特勒讲过话的讲台。

    For example , the crumbling but still imposing Zeppelin tribune , or grandstand , where the F ü hrer and his henchmen drank in the choreographed adoration from the masses assembled below , features the only surviving lectern where Hitler spoke .

  2. 颓圮的墙,还有,杂草丛生的墙角。

    Decadent injure the walls , and , weedy corner .

  3. 她静默地远了,远了,到了颓圮的篱墙,走尽这雨巷。

    Silently she goes further and further , To the crumbling wall , Out of the lane in the rain .