
  • 网络legislative quality
  1. 立法质量及其科学性标准在法制建设中具有重要意义。

    Legislative quality and its scientific standard are of great significance in the legal construction .

  2. 试论立法质量的科学性标准

    On Scientific Standard of Legislative Quality

  3. WTO与中国行政立法质量的提高

    WTO and Quality Increase of Chinese Administrative Legislation

  4. 第一节,对地方立法质量表现的问题进行了详细的描述。

    Finally , introduces the stand of the local legislation quality .

  5. 论提高民族经济立法质量的几个问题

    Several Issues in Improving the Quality of National Economic Legislation

  6. 我国地方立法质量问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problem and Strategy of Local Legislation Quality

  7. 三是提高立法质量,制定良法,优化法律接受效果;

    The third is elevate the quality of legislation ;

  8. 提高地方立法质量的若干思考

    Some Considerations about Improving the Local Lawmaking Quality

  9. 地方立法质量提高的分析和探讨

    Analysis on the Quality Improving of Local Legislation

  10. 论提高地方立法质量

    On the improvement in quality of local legislation

  11. 提高政府立法质量,建立和完善行政规范性文件的审查制度;

    Promoting the quality of law to set up and improve the review system ;

  12. 必须提高立法质量,切实执法、司法,以实现良法之治;

    Legislation quality must be enhanced and conscientiously enforce law and administer justice to realize ruling-by-sound-law .

  13. 第二部分是关于立法质量概述,包括立法质量的含义和重要意义。

    The second part is essentials of quality of legislation , including meaning and effection of legislation .

  14. 第五部分:强化统一审议程序,是提高地方立法质量的保证。

    Part V : strengthening unified consideration procedure is the guarantee to improve the local legislation quality .

  15. 地方规章存在的必要性要求对立法质量进行关注。

    The necessity of local government regulations makes the attention on the quality of their legislation has become essential .

  16. 提高立法质量,防止地方保护和部门利益法制化。

    The quality of legislation should be improved to prevent local protectionism and prevent some departments from legalizing their interests .

  17. 重视与提高立法质量是我国当前法制建设中亟需解决的重大问题。

    Paying attention to and improving the legislative quality is an essential problem in the course of present legal construction .

  18. 其次,按照法国的违宪审查制度,议会有更多的机会来弥补自己工作的失误,以提高立法质量。

    Second , the parliament will have plenty of chance to counter balance their job slips so as to improve legislative quality .

  19. 提高地方立法质量,关键在于对地方立法的科学定位,体现地方立法的地方特色,增强地方立法的可操作性。

    The key to improving the local lawmaking quality lies in its scientific orientation , displaying its local features and strengthening its maneuverability .

  20. 良好的刑事政策对提高刑事立法质量、刑事司法效能和改进刑事司法程序都具有直接的指导作用。

    Good criminal policy all have direct guidance functions in improving criminal legislative quality , criminal judicial efficiency and improving the criminal judicial process .

  21. 因此,我们必须注重提高行政立法质量,推进行政执法改革,完善行政监督,使服务型政府建设在法治的轨道上有序推进。

    Therefore , we should improve the quality of administrative lawmaking , advance the reform of executing administrative laws , consummate administrative supervision system , etc.

  22. 究其原因,同我国当前的刑法观念、立法质量、行刑体制等多方面存在的问题不无关系。

    The reason lies in the relationship in the concept of criminal law , the quality of legislation , the system of execution and so on .

  23. 公民受教育权的不平等与我国现行的立法质量、行政执法观念、司法救济措施有着密切关系。

    The citizen education right has close relations with legislative quality , administrative law enforcement idea , judicial relief measure that our country is in current U.S.A.

  24. 各级政府行使行政权力基本做到了“有法可依”,政府立法质量显著提高。

    Governments at various levels on the whole abide by law when exercising their administrative power and the quality of legislations formulated by them has definitely improved .

  25. 第三,要通过提高立法质量,提升执法人员素质,完善监督机制来完善法律的实施过程。

    Third , by improving the quality of legislation to improve the quality of law enforcement personnel , improve monitoring mechanisms to improve the law enforcement process .

  26. 论文第四部分是国外立法质量立法情况介绍,对英美及其他一些国家立法质量立法总体情况进行了介绍,本部分论述的意图在于找到我国与国外先进经验的差距。

    It introduces the legislative quality in England , USA and other countries . The purpose of this part is to tell the difference between China and other country .

  27. 构建与职业篮球联赛相适应的法规政策,形成完备的法律、法规体系,提高立法质量和执法力度。

    Construction and meet the Professional Basketball League of regulatory policy , form a complete system of laws and regulations , improving the quality of legislation and law enforcement .

  28. 因而,应当进一步设置刑法典中的相关法条,以提高刑事立法质量,完备我国刑事法制。

    Therefore , some relative provisions are to be further installed in the criminal code to increase the quality of criminal legislation and perfect the criminal legal system of our country .

  29. 最突出的问题是立法质量不高,损害了法制的权威,影响了法制建设的实际效果。

    The most severe question was legislates the quality was not high , which has harmed the legal system authority , and has affected the actual effect of the legislative work .

  30. 当前,我国的地方立法质量总体上有所提高,但是在价值取向、科学性、协调性、立法技术等方面也存在一些问题。

    Generally , the quality of current local legislation has been improved much , but some problems are still lie in respect of value orientation , scientific or not , harmony and legislative technique .