
jiào xué lóu
  • teaching building
  1. 经仿真验证,系统方案设计合理,兼具通用性和扩展性,对LIN总线技术应用在教学楼照明控制系统中实现智能照明控制具有一定的参考价值,应用前景广阔。

    Many experiments proved that this system scheme is reasonable ; it has certain compatibility and expansibility and provides a certain reference value for the intelligent lighting control system of the teaching building , so it will be widespread promoted .

  2. 太原理工大学主教学楼消防设计

    Fire-fighting design of main teaching building of Taiyuan university of technology

  3. 最适合我的学习地点其实是牛津英语学院教学楼。

    My perfect study environment was actually the Oxford English Faculty7 building .

  4. PLC在教学楼照明控制系统中的应用

    PLC applicaton in the lighting control system of teaching building

  5. 结合重庆大学主教学楼工程实例,对GPS技术在环境激励下的动态特性进行监测,并对监测数据进行了分析,对监测方案进行了验证。

    Based on GPS technology , this paper studies the dynamic characteristic under ambient excitation of major blocks of Chongqing University and analyze excitation data and verifies the excitation scheme .

  6. 阐述教学楼屋面防水工程采用刚性防水混凝土及PVC防水相结合,即刚柔结合的防水新方法的特点及施工工艺。

    The paper discusses the feature and construction technology of the new waterproof method of the combination in rigid waterproof concrete with PVC waterproof in teaching-building roof waterproof project .

  7. 本期工程主要对学生宿舍楼、图书馆、教学楼等重点区域进行无线覆盖,主要采用室内AP设备。

    Current works mainly on the student dormitory , library , academic buildings and other key areas for wireless coverage , mainly in indoor AP device .

  8. 本着这一精神,全球商学院给自己的教学楼装备了一系列技术,使教员能够实现从视频、电子数据表、网站到PPT幻灯片的无缝转换。

    In this spirit , business schools around the globe have fitted out their buildings with a range of technology to enable faculty to jump seamlessly between videos , spreadsheets , websites and PowerPoint slides .

  9. 在维吉尼亚州亚历山大市,上个月2000名学生在T.C.威廉斯高中一新教学楼开始上课。

    In Alexandria , Virginia , the two thousand students at T.C.Williams High School started classes last month in a new building .

  10. 在挣得值方法分析的过程中用工作分解结构(WBS)原理画1教学楼工程的工作分解结构图和用梦龙项目管理系统画本工程的进度计划横道图。

    Earned Value Analysis in the process of is used the work breakdown structure ( WBS ) No.1 the teaching principles to paint a building project work breakdown structure chart and project management system with the Magnum picture of the project schedule bar chart .

  11. Maltwood美术博物馆位于教学楼的主休息厅。他们的作品在当地、国内,乃至国际上都享有盛名。

    The Maltwood Art Museum Gallery , located in the main lobby of the University Center , features local , national , and international works .

  12. 谈我院综合教学楼的设计

    The Study on Design for Complex Teaching Building of Our Institute

  13. 压力注浆法在某教学楼加层中的应用

    Application of pressure-grouting method in floor addition of a teaching building

  14. 江西师范大学理工科教学楼

    Classroom Building for Science and Engineering Courses of Jiangxi Normal University

  15. 这是谁的围巾?我是在教学楼前捡来的。

    I picked it up in front of the teaching building .

  16. 合肥地区某小学教学楼的抗震设计实践

    Seismic Design Practice of a Primary School Building in Hefei Area

  17. 我们的教学楼在学校的后部。

    Our classroom building is at the back of our school .

  18. 某学院新教学楼设计方案的探讨

    Analysis on the plan of new classroom building of a university

  19. 广东省高级技工学校第二教学楼设计

    Design of No. 2 Teaching Building of Guangdong Senior Vestibule school

  20. 某大坡度屋顶结构教学楼的抗震加固设计

    The aseismic design on a classroom building with great tilted roof

  21. 汉阳一中第二教学楼设计

    Design of the Second Teaching Building in Hanyang NO.1 High School

  22. 东莞理工学院松山湖校区综合教学楼与现代教育中心

    Main Classroom Building & Modern Education Center , Dongguan Polytechnic Institute

  23. 某中学教学楼的抗震鉴定与加固设计

    Antiseismic appraisal and strengthening design of a middle school teaching building

  24. 教学楼空心无梁楼盖施工技术

    Construction technology of hollow cover board without girder in teaching building

  25. 中小学教学楼的特点及地震灾害控制

    Characteristic and Earthquake Disaster Control of Elementary and Middle School Building

  26. 要用近两个月的时间才能建成这座教学楼。

    It will take almost two months to finish the teaching-building .

  27. 低能耗教学楼的单体设计和构造设计。

    The monomer design and construct on low energy school building .

  28. 汶川地震中小学砖木结构教学楼震害特征分析

    Analysis on seismic damage of Masonry-timber school building in Wenchuan earthquake

  29. 我们学校要建一座新教学楼。

    A new teaching building will be built in our school .

  30. 我们的教学楼前有个花园。

    There is a garden in front of our teaching building .