
jiàn jiāo
  • establish diplomatic relations;establish diplomatic relations with
建交 [jiàn jiāo]
  • [establish diplomatic relations with] 国家之间建立外交关系

建交[jiàn jiāo]
  1. 南非将与中国建交的原因初析

    Reasons why South Africa is to establish diplomatic relations with china : a preliminary analysis

  2. 圭是英语加勒比地区第一个与中国建交的国家。

    Kyu , the English-speaking Caribbean region are the first country to establish diplomatic relations with China .

  3. 自1979年建交初期双方跨出试探性的步子以来,我们已经走过了一段很长的路。

    Now , we have already come a very long way since the first tentative steps of the diplomatic opening in1979 .

  4. 建交42年来,中澳关系走过了不平凡的历程,两国成为好朋友和战略伙伴,两国人民从中受益良多。

    Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 42 years ago , our ­ relations have traversed an extraordinary journey , making us good friends and strategic partners and bringing real benefits to our two peoples .

  5. 今年是中巴建交40周年。

    This year marks the 40th anniversary of China-Brazil diplomatic ties .

  6. 明年是中荷正式建交40周年。

    Next year marks the 40th anniversary of our formal diplomatic relations .

  7. 中韩建交与朝鲜半岛&纪念中韩建交10周年

    The Establishment of China-ROK Diplomatic Relations and the Korean Peninsula

  8. 建交三十年以来中美贸易的回顾及展望

    Review and Outlook on Sino-American Trade Since Establishing Diplomatic Relations

  9. 1933年美苏建交中的经济因素

    The Economic Factor in the Normalization of diplomatic Relationships between US and USSR

  10. 中韩两国建交已经近20年了。

    China and South Korea have established diplomatic relations for nearly 20 years .

  11. 外国发行与中国建交的纪念邮票

    Foreign stamps issued to celebrate diplomatic relations with China

  12. 第三部分反映了中英建交谈判历程的曲折和复杂。

    The third part reflects the Sino-UK negotiations course was winding and complex .

  13. 中国与乌干达已经建交很长时间了。

    China and Uganda have been bonded together for a very long time .

  14. 明年将迎来两国建交50周年。

    Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties .

  15. 认识共同利益是中美关系发展的关键&中美建交30周年回顾

    Recognition of Common Interests is the Key for the Development of Sino-American Relations

  16. 中国与南斯拉夫建交始末

    The Whole Story of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Yugoslavia

  17. 两国自建交以来,就保持了良好的经济关系。

    The two countries maintain good economic relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations .

  18. 让我们携起手来,以中埃建交55周年为新的起点,为开创中埃关系更加美好的明天而努力!

    Let 's work together to create an even brighter future for China-Russia relations !

  19. 今年是中缅建交70周年。

    This year marks the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar .

  20. 中奥建交35周年庆祝会在沪举行

    The 35th Anniversary of China-Austria Establishing Diplomatic Relations

  21. 中国与巴基斯坦自1951年建交以来,时至今日已经走过了五十多个春秋。

    China and Pakistan has established diplomatic ties more than 50 years since 1951 .

  22. 建交以来的中韩文化交流史探讨

    To Discuss the Cultural Exchange History between China and Korea Since Establishing Diplomatic Relationship

  23. 针对已经感染过的各种致炎生物有机体,人体能建交起免疫防御反应。

    Humans build up immunity to infection-causing organisms after coming into contact with them .

  24. 1965年的今天,日本和韩国开始正式建交。

    1965-Japan and South Korea begin formal relations .

  25. 这也是为了庆祝中澳建交40周年。

    It also marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Australia .

  26. 中美建交以来美台军售研究

    Research on the US Arms Sales to Taiwan Since the Establishment of Sino-US Diplomatic Relations

  27. 利益的汇合:国家关系的基础&写在中美建交十周年之际

    On relations the relations of E. convergence of interests : basis for relations among nations

  28. 近日,中美两国迎来建交40周年纪念日。

    The two sides recently marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties .

  29. 中美关系回顾与展望&纪念中美建交25周年

    Sino-U.S. Relations in Retrospect and Prospect

  30. 传统友谊的新发展&论建交35年来的中巴关系

    New Development of Traditional Sino-Pakistani Friendship