
  1. 1月份,在奥兰多举行的PGA商品展销会上,麦奎尔推出了GameGolf,用户通过这个产品可以迅速查看他们在各个俱乐部的平均击球距离、每一洞的平均推杆次数、在球道上的准确程度以及其他数据。

    At the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando in January , McGuire unveiled Game Golf , which allows users to quickly see their average shot distance for each club , average putts per hole , fairway accuracy , and other statistics .

  2. 该公司目前正请求法院批准一项为时更久的排他性商品展销协议。根据该协议,Bravado将有权扩大产品销售种类,其中将包括数码产品。

    It is now seeking court approval for a longer-lasting exclusive merchandising agreement which could give Bravado rights over an expanded range of items including digital products .

  3. 从常设国际商品展销交易中心论改革广交会

    Reforming Chinese Export Commodities Fair through establishing permanent international trade marts

  4. 下一届中国商品展销会计划在吉尔吉斯斯坦举办。

    Next Chinese Commodity Fair is planning to be held in Kyrgyzstan .

  5. 贸易部长已去世界商品展销会参加升旗

    Trade minister have go to the world fair to fly the flag

  6. 柬埔寨越南联合举办商品展销会

    Cambodia and Vietnam jointly sponsor a Commodities Fair

  7. 许多人参加了商品展销会。

    Numbers of people visited the fair .

  8. 美国达拉斯和台湾省台北发展国际商品展销交易中心的经验值得我们思考。

    The experiences of international trade marts in Dallas and Taipei are among those considered .

  9. 松下带头引进了分期付款的销售方法,以及在零销点上进行商品展销。

    Matsushita pioneered the introduction of installment sales and the use of point-of-purchase displays in retail outlets .

  10. 小商品展销期间,买一送一,买啥送啥。

    During the small commodities sales exhiBition , customers who Buy one item will get another similar item free .

  11. 所以电子商品展销会真是一个好地方,在这里好东西只能变得更好。

    So it 's really a good trend that we are seeing that the Consumer Electronics Show where great products , getting better .

  12. 基于X3D/VRML的网络虚拟商品展销系统网上开店,就是在网上开设一个虚拟的门店销售商品或拍卖商品。

    Internet Virtual Goods Sales System Based on X3D / VRML Open a shop on the web is set up a dummy shop to sell or bid products through Internet .

  13. 员工此时可带着自己的宠物上班,欣赏宠物商品展销会,当地的宠物美容师、宠物商店老板以及驯兽师都会参展,还可以观赏狗狗才艺表演。

    Employees bring their pets to work and enjoy a vendor fair ( local groomers , store owners , and trainers are often present ) , as well as a doggie talent show .

  14. 第一条为加强对商品展销会的监督管理,维护市场秩序,规范市场行为,保护生产者、经营者、消费者的合法权益,根据国家有关法律法规的规定,制定本办法。

    Article One1 in order to enhance the administration of trade fairs , maintain the market order , standardize the market behaviors and protect the legal rights of manufacturers , distributors and consumers , these measures are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations .

  15. 中国进出口商品贸易展销会,名牌商品,应有尽有。

    At China 's Trading ExhiBition of Import and Export Commodities , there are famous Brands of all items you 'd expect to find .

  16. 自1991年我国首次设立保税区以来,国家赋予保税区国际贸易、保税仓储、出口加工、国际商品展示展销四大基本功能,但一直很不完善,尚存在许多不足。

    Customs bonded zone has been authorized the four functions of international trade , storage of bonded goods , export processing and international commodity display and for sale since the establishment of customs bonded zone in 1991 . However , there are many shortcomings in the functions above .

  17. 包河路上再现“宋街”风貌,精心打造了一个集知名美食、工艺品和宋代商品于一体的展销中心。

    The bazaar in Baohe path embodied " Song street " style , which integrated with well-known food , crafts , and goods of Song dynasty .

  18. 文章给出了电子商务环境下旅游商品物流体系的完整架构,包括旅游商品展销系统、旅游商品运输和仓储系统、现代化物流信息系统和递送网络等四个子系统。

    This paper presents the integrated frame of tourism goods logistics system in the E-commerce , which includes exhibiting and selling subsystem , transportation and storage subsystem , modern logistics information subsystem and delivery subsystem .