
  1. 云南省在中国&东盟自由贸易区战略地位的构想

    Conceptions of Yunnan 's Strategic Status in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

  2. 深度一体化、外国直接投资与发展中国家的自由贸易区战略

    Deep Integration , FDI and Developing Countries ' FTAs Strategies

  3. 实施自由贸易区战略,加强双边多边经贸合作。

    We will implement a strategy of free trade zones and expand bilateral and multilateral trade and economic cooperation .

  4. 中国将加快实施自由贸易区战略,加强同主要贸易伙伴的经济联系,深化同其他新兴市场国家和发展中国家的务实合作。

    China will move faster in pursuing the strategy of establishing free trade areas , strengthen business ties with major trading partners and deepen practical cooperation with other emerging markets and developing countries .

  5. 统筹双边、多边、区域次区域开放合作,加快实施自由贸易区战略,推动同周边国家互联互通。

    We should make overall planning for bilateral , multilateral , regional and sub-regional opening up and cooperation , accelerate implementation of the strategy of building free trade areas , and promote infrastructure connectivity with our neighboring countries .

  6. 第七章总结,从实施自由贸易区战略出发,为中国通过国际合作促进对外贸易与环境保护的协调提出相应的对策建议。

    Chapters 7 is conclusion , and proceed from carrying out the strategy of free trade zones , put forward countermeasures and suggestions for China to promote the coordination of foreign trade and environmental protection through international cooperation .

  7. 我国在党的十七大报告中正式提出了要实施自由贸易区战略,在2009年的两会政府工作报告中,也再次强调加快实施自由贸易区战略。

    In the 17th Report of the Chinese Party " implementation of free trade area strategy " is formally put forward . And Two Sessions governmental work report also emphasized " speeding up the implementation of FTA strategy " .

  8. 中国通过首脑外交、商务部的专业外交、外交部的功能外交等各方面的外交努力,认真实施自由贸易区战略,更加积极的推进自由贸易区建设。

    By multi-level diplomatic effort , such as the Summit Diplomacy , the economic diplomacy implemented concretely by commerce department , and the function diplomacy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement the strategy of the free Trade Area and promote a more active free trade area construction .

  9. 中国&东盟自由贸易区:地缘战略·中国实践

    China-ASEAN Free Trade Area : China 's Practice of Geostrategy

  10. 西南民族地区应对中国&东盟自由贸易区的发展战略(上)

    On the Development Strategies of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area in Southwest China ;

  11. 本文对云南在中国东盟自由贸易区中的战略地位进行了探讨,从总体思路、战略目标、实现途径、应处理好的几对关系等几方面对云南进行了新的战略定位。

    The paper approaches Yunnan 's strategic status in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area from general thinking , strategic target , achievement method , several relations involved .

  12. 这充分说明,中国对外开放的步伐不会停顿,中国坚持维护多边贸易体制、积极推动区域贸易自由化、加快实施自由贸易区战略的决心坚定不移。

    It fully demonstrates that China will not stall in its opening-up and that it is firmly committed to upholding the multilateral trading regime , vigorously promoting regional trade liberalization , and accelerating the implementation of the FTA strategy .