
  • 网络logia;Nature;nature world;Natural
  1. 本季颜色款型很多,有裸色自然系,有各种有趣的色彩,甚至还有流行图案款。

    They can be found in plain naturals , fun colors , or even with patterns this season .

  2. 给出了凸极同步电动机在自然坐标系以及d-q坐标系下的数学模型。

    The mathematic model of salient-pole synchronous under the natural axis and d-q axis has been given .

  3. 以抑制直流电压纹波和有功、无功功率的纹波分量为控制目标,本文提出了一种新型的直接在abc自然坐标系下实现的VIENNA整流拓扑的不平衡控制方案Ⅰ。

    With the control objective of DC-link voltage ripples and low frequency ripples of input active / reactive power elimination , a novel abc natural frame control scheme I of VIENNA topology with voltage unbalances was proposed .

  4. 自然坐标系中的等腰直角三角形母元被均匀划分为N2个等腰直角子三角形,根据映射到屏幕上的子三角形形心处的温度计算颜色,然后进行填充。

    After an isosceles right triangular parent element in rectangular coordinate system is subdivided into N 2 sub-triangles , the mapping sub-triangles on the screen are filled with colors calculated according to the central temperatures of them .

  5. 但就总细根量来说,自然单根系大于黑麦草根系,是黑麦草的4.4倍;

    Total amount of natural grass root was 4.4 times than that of ryegrass mode .

  6. 质点力学中的自然坐标系

    The Natural Coordinate System in Particle Mechanics

  7. 这位现年75岁的老人将前往纳米比亚大学自然科学系攻读地质学。

    The75-year-old will study geology within the science faculty at the University of Namibia ( Unam ) .

  8. 直接在贴体自然坐标系下对二维水翼的边界层进行数值计算。

    This paper makes directly numerical calculation of boundary layer on two-dimensional wing based on natural coordinate system .

  9. 简要说明了采用自然坐标系可以在相对转动的非惯性参考系中,建立转动的洛仑兹变换。

    Rotating Lorentz transformation can be established in a relative rotating noninertial frame by using a natural coordinates .

  10. 在初应力位形上附加变形场论的框架下,引入自然坐标系,采用平截面假设,建立对数值方法和解析方法十分有用的、初应力曲拱位移变分方程。

    Under the natural coordinate system of arch axis , a variational formulation equation is established for arches with initial stress .

  11. 本文分析了近年来提出的自然坐标系正向选取的一系列规则的利弊。

    This paper has analyzed a series rule of selecting due on the natural reference coordinate system , and shown forte and lack .

  12. 由于自然坐标系本身特点,其用在含有约束反力解题时,约束反力只出现在一个方向的动力学方程中。

    Natural coordinate system has advantages in solving the problems which have constraining anti-forces , and constraining anti-forces only appear in an-axis dynamics equation .

  13. 通过自动调节多刚体系统中每个构件上自然坐标系的形态,达到自动选择自然坐标的目的。

    A self-adaptation method for natural-coordinate systems was proposed , in order to select natural coordinates automatically for each rigid elements of a multibody system .

  14. 给出在射影变换下以原象元素所建立的齐次射影坐标系化为自然坐标系的方法,不妨称作基元变换法。

    This paper gives the method of homogeneous projection coordinates system that is established by original element turning to natural coordinates system under the projective change .

  15. 在定义自然坐标系下的假定应变时参考了张量分量混合插值法和增强膜应变与剪切应变插值法。

    The strategies used in the mixed interpolation of tensorial components approach and enhanced interpolation of membrane and shear strain method are employed in defining the assumed strains in the natural coordinates .

  16. 单位:成都中医药大学附属医院,弗莱堡大学医学院环境和自然医学系针灸科以及放射医疗中心。

    SETTING : Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Acupuncture Section of Environment and Physio-medical Science Department of Medical College and the Radiation Medical Center of University of Freiburg .

  17. 本文利用函数s(θ),s(y)的增减性判断自然坐标系中的双重符号,简便易懂。

    In this article , using the increasing and decreasing of function s (θ), s ( y ), to judge the double simbol in the natural frame of axes , handy and easy to understand .

  18. 自然杀伤细胞系NK-92治疗卵巢癌的体外及动物实验研究

    Effect of natural killer cell line NK-92 against human ovarian carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo

  19. 目的研究放射线照射后的自然杀伤细胞系NK92对人卵巢癌细胞的体外杀伤活性及对卵巢癌动物模型的治疗效果。

    Objective To study the cytotoxic activity of NK-92 cells irradiated against human ovarian cancer .

  20. 这是麻萨诸塞大学阿姆郝斯特分校自然资源保护系的网站。

    This is the website for Department of Natural Resource Conservation , University of Massachusetts at Amherst .

  21. 优质的自然变异株系对烟草育种和提高经济效益具有重要的意义。

    The superior quality of natural variant strains has a great significance for breeding tobacco and improving economic benefit .

  22. 该属植物种子的形态特征非常相似,表明该属是一个自然的单系类群。

    The most features of seed surfaces among the species of Illicium are similar and constant , which supports that the genus should be relatively natural monophyletic group .

  23. 流域经济是一种以自然河流水系为基础,流域人、财、物资源配置为核心的亚区域和跨区域经济系统。

    Drainage area economy is a system of sub-regional economy based on the natural river system , with the distribution of resources as its core , such as manpower , financial resources and material resources .

  24. 水资源是基础自然资源,系生态环境的控制性要素;同时又是战略性经济资源,为综合国力的有机组成部分。

    The water resource is the basic of the natural resources and the Controlling factors of the environment . At the same time , it is also the strategic economic resource and is the organic part of the comprehensive national power .

  25. 因而,审美活动之“审美”性质的界定,要以人的自然构成为参照系,应用自然科学方法来完成。

    Therefore we should identify the aesthetic nature of the aesthetic activity with the natural science methods referring to human 's natural constitution .

  26. 根据华中区内部在自然条件和区系特性上的差别,华中区可划分为6个亚区。

    On the basis of some internal differences of the natural conditions and the floristic characteristics , this region can be divided into six subregion .