- 网络freedom house

In its 2012 report , Freedom House singles out Singapore and Thailand .
It isn 't a coincidence that Freedom House began to note the drift away from democracy a year after it downgraded Russia 's ranking from ' partly free " to ' not free . "
Freedom House , an organization in Washington , released a " Freedom on the Net " report in April .
Freedom House cites " cultural perceptions that women are less capable , more irrational , and better suited for domestic responsibilities . "
In its most recent annual survey , the respected think tank Freedom House recorded a net decline in world freedom for the eighth year in a row .
According to the annual count by Freedom House , the tally of the world 's free countries climbed from 65 at the beginning of the decade to 85 at the end .
So while Freedom House , the US-based watchdog , gave Singapore a middling partly free score for political rights and civil liberties , the island republic is near the top of commercial freedom rankings .
And , according to Freedom House , an American NGO , an increasing number are unfree .
Freedom House might have added Malaysia , where there have been tentative signs of a political opening .
Taiwan 's performance last year wasn 't entirely positive , however , with Freedom House noting a decline in the media sphere .
The Freedom House report examined disparities in Internet freedom in15 countries based on factors such as barriers to access , content and violations to users'rights .
In its necessarily contentious rankings , it categorises Singapore and Thailand as partly free , along with Bangladesh , the Philippines , Malaysia , Nepal and Sri Lanka .
Freedom House , an American lobby group , called the Swiss vote a " dangerous backslide " for religious liberty in a country that prided itself on tolerance .
Singapore , merely partly free , according to Freedom House , has the highest per capita income in Asia , at $ 60,000 in purchasing power parity terms .
Insiders say that in years past , there was some internal debate at Freedom House over whether or not economic welfare , which affects the range of choices people can make , should be included in the calculus of liberty .