
hán mén
  • A humble family;poor/humble family;my family
寒门 [hán mén]
  • [poor family] 贫寒微贱的家庭

  • 上品无寒门,下品无势族。--《晋书.刘毅传》

寒门[hán mén]
  1. 刚刚从一个贫苦的男童寒门。

    Hes just a poor boy from a poor family .

  2. 摘要萧梁皇族本出自寒门,不以文化显名。

    The royal family of the Liang Dynasty was originally poor , not famous for its culture .

  3. 毫不奇怪,当寒门学子在精英学校中所占比例过低时,富裕家庭的孩子在这类学校中所占的比例偏高。

    Not surprisingly , while poor kids are underrepresented on elite campuses , the wealthiest kids are overrepresented .

  4. 同时,他们尚文采的唯美文学观也对寒门文人产生了深切的影响。

    Meanwhile , their aestheticism of esteeming literary grace had a profound influence on scholars from humble home .

  5. 寒门之人则壮志难酬,空有一腔报国之志,无处施展。

    A poor family of the person ambition blighted , it takes a chamber patriotic ambition , no place to display .

  6. 科举制度的进一步完善,改变了以往上品无寒门,下品无世族的局面。

    The imperial examination system to further improve , changed the past " good person is free of poor , bad person without clans " situation .

  7. 1930年,一名来自山东临清的寒门之子&季羡林,考上了清华大学,专业是西方文学。

    Son to an impoverished rural family in Linqing , Shandong province , Ji was admitted to Tsinghua University in 1930 and majored in Western literature .

  8. 本研讨首先界定了核心概念并阐述了理论基本,并对大学寒门学子成才的尺度和特性入行了阐述。

    Firstly , this text defines the core conceptions , expatiates the theoretic foundation , and clarifies the standards and characters of university poverty difficult students'mature .

  9. 孙吴统治集团原本出身寒门,受儒家礼法观念的影响较浅,崇尚世俗娱乐,在行为上则显得轻薄浮华。

    The ruling groups of the kingdom were of humble birth and were not greatly influenced by the Confucian ethics . They advocated secular entertainment and appeared to be showy in behavior .

  10. 割据江东的孙吴政权是非儒家之寒门政权,建立伊始就面临着内外两个调整:对内与江东大族,对外与其他并存政权。

    According to Jiang Wu regime is a Confucian poor regime , the beginning of the establishment outside the face two adjustment : internally with Jiang Han , foreign and other coexisting regime .

  11. “若也生在寒门薄宦之家,早得与他交结,也不枉生了一世。”

    " If I were the son of a poor scholar or some minor official , I might have made friends with him long ago and life would have been worth living . "

  12. 该校53名获得捐赠的家庭经济困难的寒门学子,感激地从潘宗光手里接过每人5000元人民币的助学证书和部分学习书籍。

    The school was donated by53 families of students Hanmen , Poon Chung-kwong , from the grateful hands of5000 yuan per person to take over the student certificate and some books to study .

  13. 这一事件是唐王朝在面临崩溃之际,中央政府与藩镇之间,以及朝中权贵与广大寒门士子之间矛盾激化的结果。

    WANG Duo 's death resulted from the conflict between the Central Government of Late Tang Dynasty and the Military Governors , between the influential officials at court and the scholars who failed in their imperial exams .

  14. 然而,在唐代由于工、商、吏、僧道等阶层遭到排斥,能够有资格参加进士科考试的主要是官宦子弟和寒门士子。

    However , in the Tang Dynasty , as industrial class , commerce , clerks , monk and other sectors were excluded to be eligible to participate in " the Imperial examination " . The examination is mainly for Ethic and the poor family Scholars .