
  • 网络Pulse number;rapid pulse
  1. 小麦主茎叶片脉数变化规律与品种生态型分类体系

    The law of veinal change leaves blades of the main stem for wheats and classified system of varietal ecotype

  2. DBIL/IBIL≥1患者如出现脉数、苔黄提示湿郁化热。

    If quick pulse and yellow tongue fur appeared in patients with DBIL / IBIL ≥ 1 , it indicates that the presence of heat conversion of the dampness stagnancy .

  3. 而抗性同叶片总厚度、表皮厚度、气孔数目、气孔大小、气孔面积比率、小叶脉数、表皮毛及蜡质层无关。

    While the pollution resistance is not in close relation with leaf and epidermis thickness , stoma amounts and size , stoma area proportion , tiny vein amounts , epigenous hair and wax .

  4. 应用这种逼近格式,可以获得时滞非线性最优控制问题的块脉冲级数解。

    Using the approximation scheme , we can obtain a block pulse series solution ( BPSS ) of nonlinear optimal control problem with time-lag .

  5. 热毒炽盛证:口腔溃疡、牙龈肿痛、痰涕黄稠、舌红、苔黄、脉弦数。

    The heat-toxin syndromes : dental ulcer , gum boss and pain , brightly red blood-snivel , red tongue with yellowish fur , string pulse .

  6. 起病急骤,咽喉肿痛,并恶寒发热,头痛,口渴,便秘,舌红,苔薄黄,脉浮数。

    Abrupt onset with swelling pain in the throat , chills , fever , headache , thirst , constipation , tongue is red , tongue coating is thin and yellow , superficial and rapid pulse .

  7. 气滞者脉多浮数而长,痉挛者脉多弦数。

    The float more and pulse number and long , the more string several spasms pulse .

  8. 常见的舌、脉象为舌红,苔薄黄,脉弦、数。

    Common tongue , pulse condition are tongue red , moss thin yellow , pulse string and number .

  9. 症见便血血色淡,量较多,肛门坠胀或脱出,面色萎黄,头晕心悸,手足发麻,舌质淡白,少苔,脉细软而数。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color light , the amount of more or anal prolapse , pale complexion , dizziness , palpitations , numbness in limbs , pale tongue , little coating , pulse and several valuables .

  10. 头痛头晕,汗多,皮肤灼热,气粗,舌燥,口干烦渴,脉浮大而数。

    Headache , dizziness , profuse sweating , hot skin , coarse breathing , dry mouth and tongue , extreme thirst , superficial , large and rapid pulse .

  11. 有的兼见胸闷,心悸气促,手指颤动,急躁易怒,容易汗出,眼球突出,脉弦滑而数。

    There can be also stuffiness in chest , palpitation , shortness of breath , tremor of fingers irritability , hot temper , perspiration exophthalmos , and wiry , rolling , rapid pulse .