
  • 网络Forest Management;ForestManagement
  1. 森林经理学与人工智能

    Thought on Relative of Forest Management and Artificial Intelligence

  2. 现代生态科学与森林经理学:寻求森林经营的生态合理性

    Modern Ecological Sciences and Forest Management : Towards the Forest Management for Ecological Reasonableness

  3. 森林经理学课程试题库系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of a test question-bank for forest resource management

  4. 模型集成现代森林经理学、近自然林业、可持续经营、生物多样性保护和信息技术等理论与手段,并成功地与检查法相结合,可操作性强。

    The model integrates modern forest management theory and information technology , and is successfully connected with control method .

  5. 而恢复生态学的发展则为森林经理学服务于以森林资源总量增长优先的中国林业发展提供了切入点。

    The development of restoration ecology provides a handle for forest management to couple with forestry development in China that is preferential for the growth of gross forest resources .

  6. 对建国以来森林经理学教材建设进行了简单的历史回顾,指出现有森林经理学教材存在着目的任务不实、基础理论不稳、调整方法贫乏、研究内容单一的缺陷。

    The review of the construction history of the textbooks on forest management since the foundation of PRC revealed there existed some limitations in the textbooks such as unpractical task , unstable fundamental theory , insufficient methods for adjustment , simple study content .

  7. 森林资源资产价值的评估是森林经理学的重要内容之一,早在18世纪的欧洲就得到重视。

    The evaluation of the forest resources property value is one of the important contents of the Forest Management , as early as 18 centuries of Europe have to arrive the value .

  8. 迈向可持续发展的森林资源综合管理&面向21世纪的森林经理学发展动向分析

    Integrated Management of Forest Resource Aiming at Sustainable Development & An analysis on the Trend of Forest Management Facing to 21 Century

  9. 随着社会对环境期望值的不断上升和森林价值观、森林资源经营思想的不断进步,森林经理学的内涵、地位和作用也不断深化和拓宽。

    Abstract With the increase to environmental expection from society and forestry value , the theory of forestry resource management develops , the connotation , position and function have been deepened and widened ceaselessly .

  10. 森林合理年伐分析确定是年森林采伐限额编制的关键技术之一,也是森林经理学的重要内容之一。

    The analysis determination of the rational annual cut of forests is one the critical techniques used to work out the quota of the annual forest cut .