
  • meat bun;pork bun;Meat Loaf
  1. 墨西哥印第安人过去常用番木瓜树叶把难嚼的肉包起来。

    Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree .

  2. 他用蜡纸把绞碎的肉包好,再用棕色纸包上,用胶纸粘好,在纸包上标上价钱。

    He wraps the ground meat in waxed paper , seals it with gummed paper , and marks the price on the package .

  3. 用铝箔把肉包住使之在原汁中烹制.带铝热还原期的自蔓燃高温合成

    Wrapping aluminium foil round a joint allows the meat to cook in its own juice / juices . SHTS with aluminathermic reduction stage

  4. 这家铺子专卖什锦蒸食和肉包,主顾大都是往来运河码头的船工、纤夫、小商贩。

    The monopoly shop and eat steamed assorted Roubao , customers are between the terminal canal boatman , boat tracker , and small traders .

  5. 想来一顿饱餐,他们的菜单从上海小笼包到东坡肉包,包罗万有,任君选择。

    For a real hearty meal , pick from an extensive menu that has anything from Shanghainese meat dumplings to tung poh meat with buns .

  6. 请给我两份虾肉的小笼蒸包。

    Bring me two portions of steamed dumplings stuffed with shrimp , please .

  7. 客:是呀,有一次我在一本书里看到:贫农一年只能吃一次肉,而且是包成饺子吃。真的吗?

    Visitor : Ah , I have read that the poor peasant can only enjoy the meat once a year , even by making them broken down into dumplings ?

  8. 料型对鸡胸肌常规肉品质性质pH值、肉包、嫩度、失水率影响不显著(P>0.05)。

    Feed type had no significant difference in pH value , meat color , tenderness and water loss rate ( P > 0 . 05 ) .