
  1. 完全信息采购环境下应用拍卖机制协调供应链

    Coordinate Supply Chain Via Auction Mechanisms under Procurement Environment with Complete Information

  2. 信息采购按分类和地域共同定位,实现精准的垂直查询。

    Procurement information by category and geographical co-location , achieve accurate vertical query .

  3. 而后,介绍了如何应用MRP理论根据BOM表和采购提前期等信息进行采购日期的运算,库存的ABC分类等。

    It also introduces that the purchase date with BOM and purchase advanced date , the classification of ABC .

  4. CPC在全球范围内为IBM提供生产性采购、一般采购、分销采购、市场信息及采购咨询等系列服务。

    CPC is providing production procurement , general procurement , distribution procurement , market intelligence , and procurement consulting services for IBM on a global basis .

  5. 基于构件的企业信息技术采购目标规划模型

    Multi - objective Programming Model for the Procurement of Component - based EITs

  6. 图书馆电子信息资源采购研究

    Study on Purchasing Electronic Information Resources in Library

  7. 做好供应商管理和维护供应商信息、采购订单信息以及相关文件。

    Create Vender Master and maintain vender information , purchase order information as well as relevant supporting documents .

  8. 这些信息对于采购和供应儿童基本药物的发展和卫生伙伴至关重要。

    The information is vital for development and health partners who procure and supply essential medicines for children .

  9. 过程规范;材料规范;试验规范;培训要求;使用者和消费者的信息;采购要求;鉴定试验报告。

    Process specifications , material specifications , testing specifications , training requirements , user and consumer information , purchase requirements , and reports of qualification tests .

  10. 本文以BR为研究对象,阐述企业的基本状况,针对该企业的供应链现状,发现其主要的难点在于信息共享和采购决策。

    According to the status quo of supply chain management , we find that the main difficulty lies in information sharing and purchasing decisions .

  11. 论电子信息资源集团采购体系的构建

    On the System Construction of Institutional Purchase of Electronic Information Resources

  12. 数字信息源的采购和信息服务的扩展等方面分析图书馆数字化过程的主要工作环节。

    They also include purchasing of digital information and information service expansion .

  13. 其经营活动多限于市场调查、信息沟通和采购销售等。

    Such an office 's activities might be limited to market research , communications , sales and purchasing .

  14. 将上述初步采购信息提交给采购经理,以便在最终采购详情编制完成之前,即可开始采购活动。

    Information will be forwarded to the Procurement Manager to allow Procurement activities to commence prior to completion of final detailing .

  15. 收到请购单或初步信息后,采购经理将向经认可的供应商发出详细要求,并随附报价要求书。

    On receipt of the PR or preliminary information , the Procurement Manager will issue details of requirements to suitably approved vendors with a request for quotation .

  16. 系统主要实现了基本信息管理、采购管理、销售管理、库存管理和统计等几个功能模块。

    Several modules are carried out , such as foundational information management , stock management , sale management , inventory management and statistics , and so on .

  17. 采用备件管理信息技术强化采购管理采购文件由采购部签发,需严格按有关控制程序来维持。

    Application of spare-parts managing IT system to enhance management of procurement ; Purchasing documents are retained by the Purchasing Department as defined in the relevant procedures .

  18. 它们还可用于交换结构化信息(如采购订单和发票)以及用于自动化和连接内部与外部业务流程。

    They can also be built to exchange structured information , such as purchase orders and invoices , and can be used to automate and connect internal and external business processes .

  19. 第三部分从项目管理知识体系的八个方面(范围管理、时间管理、成本管理、质量管理、人力资源管理、沟通与信息管理、采购管理)分析工程实施中的管理情况;

    The third part analyses the project from eight aspects of project management body of knowledge , which are scope management , time management , cost management , quality management , human resource management , communication management and procurement management .

  20. 为解决这个问题,可将移动代理用于包含电子商务信息的移动采购代理中,该代理能在不同的提供商中找到既定服务的最佳价格。

    To solve this problem , we can use mobile agents in the context of e-commerce composed of mobile shopping agents , which travel among the servers of different vendors to find the most convenient price for a given service .

  21. 具体介绍了药品管理系统的制作过程、各个功能模块包括:基础信息模块、采购管理模块、库存管理模块、药品销售模块、查询统计模块、往来管理模块、系统设置模块。

    Introduced the drug quality management system of production process , each functional module includes : basic information module , procurement management module , inventory management module , pharmaceutical sales module , inquires the statistical module , exchanges management module , system Settings module .

  22. 考虑运输成本和信息成本的JIT采购模式选择

    JIT Purchasing Option Considering Transportation Cost and Information Cost

  23. ERP系统集成了大量的基础数据和信息共享,在采购管理方面,着重体现了事前计划、事中控制、事后分析的思想。

    ERP system concentrates a mass of basic data and information share , on the part of purchase management , emphases the idea of " pre-plan , middle-control and after-analysis " .

  24. 浅论信息在教材图书采购中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of Information in Teaching Material Purchasing

  25. 信息是开展跨国采购促进工作的基础。

    Information is the basis for global sourcing promotion .

  26. 答:提供信息咨询,协助采购,加工跟单。

    Answer : provides the information consultant , assists to purchase , processing freight bill .

  27. 试论信息技术与药品采购流程再造

    Information technology and drug purchasing process redesign

  28. 发布商业信息时选择产品采购与城乡指南的区别?

    Choice of product procurement and business information issued guidelines for the difference between urban and rural areas ?

  29. 其内容涉及战略采购流程、供应商开发和认证、信息技术在战略采购中的广泛应用和备件战略采购管理优化等。

    It covers the purchasing procedures , supplier development and certification , global IT support system and continuous management optimization .

  30. 采购信息应表述拟采购的产品适当时,应包括人员资格的要求。

    Purchasing information shall describe the product to be purchased , including requirements for qualification of personnel , as appropriate .