
xìn gē
  • carrier pigeon;homing pigeon;homer
信鸽 [xìn gē]
  • [homing pigeon;carrier pigeon] 一种比赛鸽,常用来携带信息,经过训练可以远距离飞回鸽房

信鸽[xìn gē]
  1. 他有一只信鸽。

    He has a carrier pigeon .

  2. 我得说你作为传信鸽也有些矮。

    I 'd say you 're kinda short for a carrier pigeon .

  3. 他有两只信鸽。

    He has two carrier pigeons .

  4. DBS是一个发行量很少的信鸽杂志“BelgischeDuivenSport”(比利时信鸽运动)组织的锦标赛。

    BDS is a very small pigeon magazine " Belgische Duiven Sport " that organizes Championships .

  5. 《信鸽环球杂志》中文版开通拉!

    The Chinese Edition of the Racing Pigeon is now available !

  6. 一只信鸽被放出去递送消息。

    A homing pigeon was sent forth to carry the message .

  7. 作为信鸽,我们的使命就是送情报。

    As homing pigeons , it 's our duty to carry messages .

  8. 信鸽羽毛非光滑表面形态学分析

    Analysis on the Nonsmooth Surface Morphology of Columba Livia Feather

  9. 剑桥发出了召唤,他象一只归来的信鸽似的作出响应。

    Cambridge had called ; he had responded like a homing pigeon .

  10. 就是让你们成为今日的传信鸽。

    Is to make you the carrier pigeons of today .

  11. 他收到一封由信鸽传送的短信。

    He received a note dispatched by a carrier pigeon .

  12. 那你们说是否用放信鸽是一个求爱的方法。

    Tell us if sending messenger pigeons is an appropriate way of courting .

  13. 那时信鸽仍能找到回家的路。

    Then the pigeons still find their way home .

  14. 欢迎访问荷兰全球信鸽咨询服务网!

    Welcome to visit the Dutch whole world carrier pigeon advisory service network !

  15. 这些光荣的信鸽是鸟类的楷模。

    These proud pigeons are the model of birdhood .

  16. 还有赛鸽和信鸽。

    There are also racing pigeons , homing pigeons .

  17. 基于分形理论的信鸽表面形貌研究

    A Study on Fractal Character of Pigeon Surface Morphology

  18. 你有什么要给准备上前线的勇敢信鸽的,亲爱的?

    Something for a brave pigeon about to go into battle , darling ?

  19. 作为研究对象,信鸽与蜜蜂均各有其优缺点。

    Pigeons and bees each have their advantages and disadvantages as research subjects .

  20. 我们加入皇家信鸽服务团了。

    We 're in the Royal homing service .

  21. 信鸽受训练把消息从一个地方带到另一个地方。

    Carrier pigeon has been trained to carry message from one place to another .

  22. 信鸽在出生大约满4周时就进行训练。

    These homing pigeons begin their training when they are about four weeks old .

  23. 科学家们对于使像信鸽这样的灭绝物种复活提出了新希望。

    Scientists offered new hope for bringing back extinct species like the passenger pigeon .

  24. 由于信鸽较蜜蜂个儿大,训练和研究起来也比较容易。

    Pigeons , being larger than bees , are easier to train and study .

  25. 信鸽可以训练用来执行人们所要求的任务。

    The homing pigeon can be trained to carry out the mission that people demand .

  26. 有些像信鸽一样,可以接受培训以传递消息和包裹。

    Some , like homing pigeons , can be trained to deliver messages and packages .

  27. 下次你想发信鸽,先告诉我。

    Next time you want to send off a homing pigeon , warn me first .

  28. 皇家信鸽编号4121444444697

    Royal Homing Pigeon Service , 4121444444697 .

  29. 再见了信鸽们,祝你们好运

    Goodbye and good luck , pigeons .

  30. 我的爱好比信鸽

    My love is like a dove