
tóu xiè
  • dandruff
  1. 他头屑很多。

    He has very bad dandruff .

  2. 富含欧白芷提取精华、茶树因子精华,维他命B5等,可补充毛发营养,减少头屑产生,防止头发脱落,令秀发健康强韧。

    Rich in Angelica essence , tea tree extracts , vitamin B5 etc. , can be added hair nutrition , reduce dandruff generation , to prevent oil secretions and make the hair healthy and resilient .

  3. 9例健康头屑标本,分离到M.对南沙筹建500万吨钢厂的探讨

    Exploration on the preparation to construct 5 million tons steel works in Nansha

  4. 对牛精液、血清、操作液及操作者头屑等可能对鉴定造成影响的几个因素进行了研究和检测,PCR扩增结果表明,这些因素不会对PCR鉴定造成污染。

    The sperm , the serum , the operating solution and the operator factor were researched . And the results indicated that those factors did not result in contaminate .

  5. 头屑是头发中最重要的未知的一种疾病。

    Dandruff is one of hair 's most misunderstood maladies .

  6. 小姐,你的头发有很多头屑。

    Miss , your hair has a lot of dandruff .

  7. 请用那种去头屑洗发膏给我洗头发,好吗?

    Can you wash my hair with that dandruff control shampoo , please ?

  8. 去头屑洗发精,让您的秀发飘逸动人。

    Application of the anti-dandruff shampoo will make your hair elegant and attractive .

  9. 其表现可分为干性头屑和油性头屑两种形式。

    Their performance can be divided into dry and oily antidandruff antidandruff two forms .

  10. 关于去除头屑,理发师给了李小姐什么建议?

    What advice does the barber give Miss Li to get rid of dandruff ?

  11. 有头屑,产生的头屑或满是头屑。

    Having or producing or covered with scurf .

  12. 我有头屑,还有狐臭

    I 've got dandruff and bad BO .

  13. 而且多了那么多恼人的头屑呢?

    And so much more annoying dandruff it ?

  14. 0.1%己脒定去屑香波的止痒和去头屑功效研究

    The efficacy and safety of 0.1 % Hexamidine anti-dandruff shampoo in 30 patients with dandruff

  15. 通过广告,我们了解到可以用飘柔洗发水抑制头屑。

    By advertisements , we know that we can use Rejoice shampoo to prevent dandruff .

  16. 头皮瘙痒头屑过多及其他皮肤疾患与蠕形螨感染的调查分析

    The survey and analysis of relationship of demodex infection and skin desease of tangshan 's crowed

  17. 过度清洗会带走头皮中自带的油脂而导致头发过干,还会导致头屑和静电。

    Over-shampooing strips away the natural oils from the scalp and causes dryness , dandruff and irritation .

  18. 你应该改善伙食了,头上不应该有头屑的,应该是冰淇淋泡沫了。

    You need to improve your diet , instead of dandruff , you 've got ice-cream sprinkles .

  19. 结果直接镜检发现头屑内有菌丝,还有大小分生孢子。

    Results Micro-and macro-conidia as well as hyphae were found in the scales by the direct microscopic examination .

  20. 只要碰到棘手的事,这为头屑而苦的豪猪绝对会躲得远远,远远的。

    Whenever there 's prickly situation , this dandruff-laden porcupine is sure to be far , far away .

  21. 始终如一地选用含有去头屑效果的柔和型香波,它可以使鳞片松散,并防止新鳞片的产生。

    Always choose a mild shampoo with an antidandruff action that gently loosens scales and helps prevent new ones .

  22. 那里所有的房子都是用木头[竹子]盖的。有头屑,产生的头屑或满是头屑。

    All the houses there are built of wood [ bamboo ] . having or producing or covered with scurf .

  23. 换代加强型特效去屑成份,可更细微均匀地分布于头皮,有效去除头屑及抑制头屑。

    New generation of reinforced anti-scurf elements can spread more uniformly into the scalp so as to effectively eliminate and prevent scurf .

  24. 每天洗头是你的第一道防线,但是如果发痒且头屑一直存在的话,就去试试去屑的产品。

    Daily shampooing is your first line of defense , but if the itchiness and flakes persist , try an anti-dandruff product .

  25. 如果你依然有“头屑”,试着更加彻底的洗头或者更换一种高档些的护发产品。

    If your " dandruff " isn 't going away , try rinsing a bit more thoroughly or upgrading your hair product .

  26. 无论如何,治疗头屑最好的办法就是使用合适的药用洗发水。

    In any case , the best cure is to seek out a medicated ( not necessarily moisturizing ) shampoo or scalp treatment .

  27. 酪乳不仅对身体有益,还可以让你拥有更加强壮,更加柔顺和没有头屑的秀发。

    Buttermilk is not only good for your body , it can also give you a stronger , more manageable , and dandruff-free mane .

  28. 瓜,苹果,梨和番木瓜对处女座也非常有益,而柠檬汁将缓和皮肤病爆发和头屑问题。

    Melons , apples , pears , and papaya are particularly good for Virgoans , and lemon juice in your diet will ease skin eruptions and dandruff .

  29. 不管你相信与否,我方神奇的薄荷去屑洗发乳能给头皮清凉感觉,同时让你感觉清爽,使你充分享受没有头屑的自由。

    Believe it or not , the amazing anti-dandruff mint shampoo can give the scalp cool feeling , leave you feel invigorating refresh and ultimate dandruff-free freedom .

  30. 一头健康的头发有如下特征:丰满、光泽,没有头屑或其它可见损伤。

    A healthy head of hair is easy to spot . It 's full , shiny and lustrous with no flakes , frizzies or other visible damage .