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  1. 头滚落到地上。可怜的阿格斯!一百只眼睛的光芒永远都消失了。

    It tumbled down upon the ground . Poor Argus ! The light of his hundred eyes was put out forever .

  2. 另一件事是与此同时,斯克罗布本人惊恐地尖叫一声,失去平衡,一头滚下深渊。

    the other was that , at the same moment , Scrubb himself , with a terrified scream , had lost his balance and gone hurtling to the depths .

  3. 我赶紧顺着帆杠往下爬,最后头朝下滚到了甲板上。

    And now I lost no time , crawled back along the bowsprit , and tumbled head foremost on the deck .

  4. 这情形继续着,没完没了地继续着。这时,一滴热泪掉到她的头上,滚过她的脸和胸落到了面包上,又掉了一滴,掉了许多滴。

    A tear , followed by many scalding tears , fell upon her head , and rolled over her face and neck , down to the loaf on which she stood .