
  • 网络antihistamine
  1. 用来治疗或预防运动病的抗组胺剂药物(商标是Antivert)。

    An antihistamine ( trade name Antivert ) used to treat or prevent motion sickness .

  2. 一种用来治疗一些过敏反应的抗组胺剂(商标是Periactin)。

    An antihistamine ( trade name Periactin ) used to treat some allergic reactions .

  3. Lynette,如果我有合上眼睛半秒,那也是因为我一直在吃的抗组胺剂。

    Lynette , if I close my eyes even for a moment , it 's because of these antihistamines I 've been taking .

  4. 我再也不会把清爽酒和抗组胺剂混在一起喝了。

    I will never mix wine coolers and my antihistamine again .

  5. 抗组胺剂可以用来治疗过敏和瘙痒。

    Antihistamines are something which you take against allergies and itch .

  6. 的方法来控制过敏反应,其一是一种抗组胺剂。

    One of the ways to control the allergic reactions is with an antihistamine .

  7. 而抗组胺剂提供了一种有效的治疗方式。

    Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment .

  8. 我不小心把抗组胺剂混在了酒水里。

    I accidentally mixed my antihistamine medication with .

  9. 1.服用解充血药或抗组胺剂

    Step 1 Take a decongestant or antihistamine

  10. 抗组胺剂有时候有作用。

    Antihistamines can sometimes be helpful .

  11. 酒精,大餐,镇静剂和抗组胺剂过度放松喉部组织,造成振动,引发打鼾。

    Alcohol , large meals , sedatives , and antihistamines excessively relax throat tissue , causing vibrations that lead to snoring .

  12. 荨麻疹是由组胺的释放所致。组胺释放的时候,人们需要服用抗组胺剂。

    Hives are caused by the release of histamines , which is why people generally take an antihistamine when they break out .

  13. 抗组胺剂也能减少瘙痒,但是你采用的一定要是口服治疗药。

    Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment . Antihistamines can also minimize itch , but be sure you stick to oral medications .