
  • 网络Antihistamines
  1. 这种由阿托品引起的结膜炎,可用抗组胺类药物控制。

    Antihistaminic agents may control the atropine conjunctivitis .

  2. 西药多采用激素、抗生素或抗组胺类药物治疗该病,长期使用,毒副作用大,临床使用受限。

    Western medicine such as hormones , antibiotics , or anti-histamine , is used for curing this disease . But its clinical application is limited in this area , because of side effects for long-term use .

  3. 目前治疗AD患者多为抗组胺及皮质类固醇类药物,易出现副作用,治疗效果不太满意。

    Treat Ad currently the sufferer is corticosteroid drug and easily appear side effect and not satisfied .