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  1. 据长江商学院(CheungKongGraduateSchoolofBusiness)指出,去年iPhone5S和iPhone5C早在正式发布之前,就获得了工信部的入网许可证。

    Last year , as noted by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business , the iPhone 5S and 5C were granted network access even before Apple formally launched the products .

  2. 2009年1月7日,工信部在为重组后的中国联通、中国移动、中国电信三家电信运营商颁发了3G运营牌照,中国进入3G时代。

    January 7,2009 , the Ministry of Industry for the reorganized China Unicom , China Mobile , China Telecom awarded three 3G carriers operating license , the Chinese into the 3G era .

  3. 工信部总工程师张峰说:“中国已经在5G技术的一些关键领域取得了进展。”

    China has made progress in the research of some key areas regarding 5G technology , said MIIT chief engineer Zhang Feng .

  4. 因而,谷歌必须与一家拥有中国工信部颁发的ICP许可证的中国公司合作,方获得了在中国提供互联网服务的资质。

    For that , Google needed to partner with a Chinese company , which holds the ICP license from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , in order to provide services in China .

  5. 工信部发言人、总工程师张峰表示,去年年底,我国超过58%的移动电话用户为4G用户。

    More than 58 % of China 's mobile phone users were 4G subscribers at the end of 2016 , according to Zhang Feng , spokesperson and chief engineer of MIIT .

  6. 中国银行业监督管理委员会(CBRC)和工信部最初要求,商业银行最迟在3月15日提供有关其合规计划的信息,最迟从4月1日起实施新规。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission and MIIT initially told banks to provide information about their compliance plans by March 15 and begin implementing them by April 1 .

  7. 随着2010年初我国工信部宣布解除对手机Wi-Fi入网的限制,带宽将不再是阻碍移动终端发展的问题,VoIP也以其低廉的价格越来越多的受到用户的青睐。

    In year 2010 , China has removed the network access limits through Wi-Fi . Which means the bandwidth is no longer the problem for mobile phone . Thus , VoIP businesses become more and more attractive to people .

  8. 而且,售货员向顾客保证,这些手机上贴的工信部(miit)用于验证的蓝色标签是真的。

    Moreover , the blue sticker indicating certification by the Ministry of industry and information technology these phones carry is genuine , the sales staff assure customers .

  9. 工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,今年上半年5G手机的出货量达到8623万部。截至6月底,联网5G手机有6600万部。

    Shipments of 5G phones reached 86.23 million units in China , with 5G package users hitting 66 million by the end of June , said Wen Ku , head of information and communication at the ministry .

  10. 工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,国内首部5G手机预计2019年下半年推出。

    China 's first 5G mobile phone is expected to be released during the second half of 2019 , said Wen Ku , director of the telecom development department at China 's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  11. 工信部对国家2010年钢铁工业持乐观态度。

    Ministry optimistic about iron , steel industry in2010 .

  12. 工信部发布《水泥行业准入条件》。

    MIIT announces entry criteria for cement industry .

  13. 换句话说,不在工信部登记的国外网站,中国用户就不能再访问。

    In other words , unregistered sites will become unavailable to users in China .

  14. 工信部原材料司副司长宋显珠近日透露。

    Raw materials , the Ministry of Industry , Deputy Secretary Song was recently revealed long beads .

  15. 工信部强调了其创造健康互联网环境的立场,

    the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology emphasized its stand in creating a healthy internet environment ,

  16. 另外,工信部体系内的专家也被要求不对此发表看法。

    In addition , the experts within the system of MII were also asked to not talk about it .

  17. 在工信部介入,警告它们不要展开不公平竞争和有害消费者的行为后,两家公司的争执平息了下来。

    The two stopped their row after MIIT stepped in , warning them against unfair competition and practices harming consumers .

  18. 工信部期望3年内涌现2-3家引领全球市场的中国云计算企业。

    The ministry expects that two to three Chinese cloud computing companies will lead the global market within three years .

  19. 据我国工信部发布,截至到2011年8月中国移动电话用户数已达9.4亿。

    According to the report of MIIT , the numbers of mobile phone owners are 940 million until 2011 august in China .

  20. 拥有工信部批准的呼叫中心和信息服务全国运营服务资质。

    Welsend has gained the qualification of call-center and information service granted by the Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology of PRC .

  21. 值得注意的是,在工信部此次推出的新车准入目录中,新能源车型是出现频率最高的一次。

    It is worth noting that new energy vehicles are seen most frequently in the new vehicle admittance catalogue released by MIIT .

  22. 阿里巴巴和腾讯均表示,他们“强烈支持”工信部的指令,并“将遵守”这些指令。

    Both Alibaba and Tencent said they " strongly support " the ministry 's directive and " will comply " with them .

  23. 工信部总工程师陈因表示,中国集成电路行业近几年蓬勃发展。

    Chen Yin , Chief Engineer at the ministry , says that China 's integrated circuit industry has been booming in recent years .

  24. 齐向东表示,工信部和公安部已经介入这一纷争。

    Qi said the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security have joined in consulting regarding the dispute .

  25. 一位知情人士透露,接下来还会有更多航企获得工信部放行。

    The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will give green light to more airlines to launch such services , said an insider .

  26. 但是工信部随后就削减了12%稀土矿出口配额,这相当于平均年份四分之一的出口量。

    But the ministry subsequently cut the annual export quota for all rare earths by12 percent , the fourth steep cut in as many years .

  27. 他的这一评价督促了工信部监管部门,该部门随即宣布一项计划,即自今年起,将移动数据收费削减三分之一。

    His comments prompted the MIIT , the sector 's regulator , to announce plans to cut mobile data charges by a third before this year .

  28. 补贴方式是由经销商直接执行,通常是经销商先行“垫付”,车企再根据经销商申报向工信部申请返款。

    The subsidies will be paid by car dealers first and they apply the subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) .

  29. 近年来,各电信运营企业积极响应国资委和工信部对节能减排工作的要求,高度重视、积极部署,把节能减排作为企业可持续发展的长远战略,全面推进节能减排工作。

    In recent years , telecom operators respond positively to the requirements of the SASAC and the MIIT on the energy saving and emission reduction work .

  30. 针对这一问题,工信部于2008年底发布了通知,正式实施电信基础设施共建共享政策。

    To solve this problem , MIIT released an announcement in the end of 2008 , which marked that the policy of infrastructure sharing was implemented officially .