
  1. 唐俑也如大唐帝国一样,达到了颠峰。

    Tomb figure making reached its highest development peak in the Tang Dynasty .

  2. 二是大唐帝国宽松的思想文化氛围,为服饰文化的繁荣营造了优越的环境。

    The second is that the relaxed ideological and cultural atmosphere provided superior environment for the prosperity of the clothing culture .

  3. 三是大唐帝国积极对外开放,为服饰文化的繁荣凿通了不竭的源泉。

    The third is that the active opening to the outside world provided endless sources for the prosperity of the clothing culture .

  4. 曲江与大唐帝国的强盛同步,与唐诗的发展、繁荣相契合。

    The prosperity of Qu Jiang with the prosperity of the empire Tang , and tallies with the development and prosperity of Tang poetry .

  5. 公元十世纪,大唐帝国土崩瓦解,东亚地区再次陷入战乱频仍的时代。

    In the A. D 10 century , the big Tang empire disintegrated , and the East Asian area fell into the chaos time that caused by frequent war .

  6. 唐代妇女体育运动之所以发达,与大唐帝国的政治安定、经济繁荣、礼教束缚稍弱以及女性地位较高不无关系。

    The prosperity of female sports in Tang Dynasty has very close relations to safe political situation , booming economy , weak ceremonial restriction and higher social position of women .

  7. 这些宝物经天皇家族世代相传,件件完好如初,体现了大唐帝国文化对东亚地区的影响。

    These treasures , passed on in good condition from generation to generation by the family of Mikado , reflect the influence of the Great Tang Empire 's culture upon the East Asian area .

  8. 常服制度化的实现,是南北朝以来民族大融合、文明大交汇的直接反映,是大唐帝国继承传统并结合自身需求进行内部调整的产物。

    The institutionalization of the official dress code was the reflection of ethnic merge and the blending of civilizations since the Southern and Northern dynasties . It was the result of integration of tradition and internal adjustment in light of its needs by the Tang Empire .