
dà bì hǔ
  • gecko
大壁虎[dà bì hǔ]
  1. 基于HSV空间的大壁虎脑图谱图像分割研究

    Study of Image Segmentation in Gekko Gecko ′ s Brain Atlas Based on HSV Color Space

  2. 广西大壁虎资源及保护

    Resources and protect of Gekko gecko in Guangxi

  3. 红斑大壁虎与黑斑大壁虎细胞色素b基因序列差异与分化进行性先天性红斑角化病

    Sequence Variation and Differentiation of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene of Red Gekko gecko and Black Gekko gecko

  4. 基于ADAMS的大壁虎地面爬行仿真

    Simulation of Gecko Ground Crawl Based on ADAMS

  5. 大壁虎线粒体12SRRNA基因片段的两种单倍型

    Two haplotypes of Gekko gecko on the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences

  6. 采用长PCR扩增、克隆和引物步行等方法,测定了大壁虎(Gekkogecko)线粒体基因组全序列。

    Long-PCR amplification , clone and primer-walking sequencing methods were employed in determine the complete sequence of mitochondrial genome of tokay ( Gekko gecko ) .

  7. 大壁虎屋部及断尾的解剖学研究

    Anatomical study on Tail and Natural Docking of Gecko

  8. 大壁虎线粒体基因组全序列及其结构(英文)

    Complete Sequence and Gene Organization of the Mitochondrial Genome of Tokay ( Gekko gecko )

  9. 大壁虎的三维步态实验及分析

    Experiment Studies on Three-dimensional Gait of Gecko

  10. 建立简单的空间运动模型,经过多次试算,找到大壁虎的最佳空间建模状态。

    The simple space model movement is build . And the best state space modeling is build after tests .

  11. 目的为研究大壁虎运动及其生物控制提供附肢肌的定量形态资料。

    Objective To provide morphological data of appendicular muscle for further research on the biological control systems of GekkogeckoSs motional function .

  12. 香港现在野生的大壁虎已很少见,如果不知它出没的地点,想找到它的踪影也很难!

    GECKO GECKO , very nice color , it is quite rare to find in HK , where did u took the photo ?

  13. 基于对大壁虎解剖学和运动方式的研究,设计了类壁虎爬壁机器人的机械结构和驱动形式。

    Based on the study of anatomy and gait of the gekko gecko , the mechanical structure and driving means of the gecko-liked wall-climbing robot was designed .

  14. 大壁虎具有超凡的三维空间无障碍运动能力,其运动速度快,动作敏捷,体格健壮,负重能力强。

    Gekko geckos are gifted with a supernormal no obstacle three-dimensions move ability , they move fast and agile . Gekko geckos build healthy , so they have a powerful weight loading capacity .

  15. 主要研究内容如下:(1)利用自行搭建的实验系统,分别研究大壁虎在地面,墙面,天花板运动的步态和体态规律,大壁虎从地面过渡到墙面的步态规律。

    The main research contents are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) By using self-made testing system , we studied the gait and posture rules when the gecko moves on the ground , the wall , and the ceiling .