
shǔ guó
  • vassal state;dependent state;dependency;vassal
属国 [shǔ guó]
  • [dependency] 古时附属于宗主国的国家

属国[shǔ guó]
  1. 第六部分:探讨了东汉属国制度的一些变化。

    The sixth part discussed some changes of the vassal state system in Eastern Han dynasty .

  2. 第七部分:探讨了两汉属国制度的性质及其历史作用。

    The seventh part probed into the character and history function of the vassal state system in Han dynasties .

  3. 由于Threshold字段中的值是动态变化的,所以州或属国的颜色会根据这个州的食品券参与率而改变。

    As the value in the Threshold field changes in the animation , the color of a state or territory changes based on the food stamp participation rate of that state .

  4. 由于BOT投融资各方分处于不同的国度,各所属国有关债权担保的法律规范迥异,涉及问题众多。

    For the parties concerned of the BOT investing and financing are located in different countries , the laws and regulations vary from one country to another and thus so many problems may be involved in .

  5. 1814年联盟年解散,通过基尔(Kiel)条约,挪威被移交到瑞典,冰岛变成了丹麦的属国。

    When that union was dissolved in1814 , through the Treaty of Kiel , which saw Norway being handed over to Sweden , Iceland became a Danish dependency .

  6. 凡属国人,必须循此前进。

    All our fellow-countrymen must continue along this line of advance .

  7. 如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。

    Like Silla , Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China .

  8. 对封贡体系内属国与藩部界定标准的探讨

    Discussion on Determination Standard Between Dependent Country and Vassal State Among Tributary System

  9. 船舶具有其有权悬挂的旗帜所属国的国籍。

    Ships have the nationality of the State whose flag they are entitled to fly .

  10. 埃及与奥斯曼帝国的属国与宗主国关系更增添了其变数的复杂性。

    The relations of dependency and suzerain between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire became more complicated .

  11. 第一部分:简述近年来两汉属国制度的研究概况。

    The first part briefly discussed the condition of the study on the vassal state system in recent years .

  12. 国际许可协议中的限制性条款给经常作为技术被许可方所属国的发展中国家带来了极大的危害。

    Restrictive clauses in international licensing agreement do harm to the developing country , to which the licensee always belongs .

  13. 商的势力扩展至黄河上游,许多部落成为其属国。

    His influence spread to the upper reaches of the Yellow River , and many outlying tribes became vassal states .

  14. 对境外上市企业而言,既要接受来自所属国的监管,也要接受来自上市地国的监管。

    Company listed oversea , it is necessary to accept supervision from their country , but also from the States listed .

  15. 此守则还适用于欧盟成员国的从属国,因此覆盖到了诸如泽西岛、西岛、曼群岛这些避税港。

    The code was extended to EU members ' dependencies , so it covered tax havens such as Jersey , Guernsey and Cayman .

  16. 上海联合日化厂属国集联营企业,专业生产磷酸氢钙、磷酸三钙两大系列产品。

    Shanghai Allied Household Chemical Plant is a joint-operated enterprise specializing in the production of series products of dicalcium phosphates and tricalcium phosphates .

  17. 对明朝而言,政治上获得了最忠顺的属国,并保证了辽东边疆的稳定。

    The Ming Dynasty was concerned , it obtained the most obedient vassal state , and to ensured the stability of the Liaotung frontier .

  18. 与此同时,一些属国也不再听从商朝的指挥,各行其道,相互争斗。

    At the same time , some vassal states did not obey the command , each going his own way and fighting with each other .

  19. 刘发来到长沙后,筑定王台以望母,宣扬了孝道;并在安定和发展长沙国及保护南越属国等方面做了较多的努力。

    He built Platform Dingwang for filial piety and made a contribution to the stability and development of Changsha and the protection of south domains .

  20. 太甲改恶从善,勤政修德,人民生活安定,各属国都很钦佩。

    TaiJia became benevolent and diligent , so the people began to live a stable life , and all vassal states admired him very much .

  21. 同时指出了属国的间断性和不连续性。四、阐述了西汉时期属国的作用。

    And at the same time , point out the discontinuity of The Vassal State . In Part ⅳ, study the function of The Vassal State .

  22. 作为明朝的臣属国,泰国是对明朝朝贡次数最多、贡品最丰厚的国家。

    As the subordinate country of old china , Siam offered most often and the most articles of tribute to the Ming Dynasty among all subordinate countries .

  23. 另一方面也表明世界500强对所属国的经济增长是有促进效应的,但是随国家不同这种促进效应是有差别的。

    On the other hand , it shows that the Fortune 500 has stimulation effects to their affiliated countries ' economic growth , but differ in amount .

  24. 另一方面,不得不履行作为清属国的各项义务,两次助清打退了进犯的沙俄军队。

    On the other hand , Korea Dynasty has performed the diverse obligation , such as assisting Qing dynasty to attack the army corps of Czarist Russia twice .

  25. 清政府则以保护属国为由,代为处理朝鲜与英、法等国的外交事务。

    The Qing Government took the Korea to deal with foreign affairs with the United Kingdom , France and other countries , on what grounds of protecting dependencies .

  26. 法律是调整公民和所属国以及所属国其他公民之间的关系的一系列规则。

    The law is the set of rules by which the citizens of a country regulate their conduct in relation to their fellow citizens and to the State .

  27. 认为两汉的属国制度是我国古代羁縻政策初步形成和发展的一种特殊形式,其积极作用大于消极作用。

    1 think it was a special form that the policy of Jimi first step form and develop in ancient times , its positive effect is big in negative effect .

  28. 根据互惠原则,申请人属国是否允许伊利诺斯州的律协成员在该国成立办事处并提供法律意见亦为考虑因素之一。

    Reciprocity is also considered as to whether the country of the applicant will allow the member of the bar of Illinois to establish an office for giving legal advice .

  29. 同样令韩国公众愤怒的是,许多外国投资者获利后却不向韩国纳税,因为它们所属国与韩国签有避免双重课税的协议。

    The public has also been angered that many will not pay taxes in South Korea on these profits because they are incorporated in countries that have double-taxation treaties with Seoul .

  30. 美国一词的所属国曾让这一招牌遭遇挫折并背负骂名,但这几乎没有让它遭到破坏,在电影史上,这个形容词仍然是一个强势货币。

    Barely damaged by an age in which its proprietor country has dragged the national dog-tags through setback and infamy , American is still a strong currency on the movie marquee .