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shǔ dì
  • Territoriality;dependency;possession;colony;annexed territory
属地 [shǔ dì]
  • [possession;dependency] 某些国家侵占的殖民地或所控制的附属国

  • 殖民地和属地

属地[shǔ dì]
  1. 英国由于害怕俄国会袭击其最珍贵的属地,便打算守住喀布尔。

    Fearing a Russian attack on its most treasured possession , Britain looked to secure Kabul .

  2. 阮次山:都说明了黄岩岛不是菲律宾的属地,不是它的领海。

    Yuen : shows that Huangyan Island is neither the possession nor in the territorial waters of the Philippines .

  3. 法国与其前非洲属地一直保持着最密切的联系。

    France has kept the most intimate links with its former African territories .

  4. 阿拉斯加和夏威夷过去是美国的属地。

    Alaska and Hawaii were dependencies of the United States .

  5. 通知指出,疫情高风险地区群众均应就地过年,防止因人员流动导致疫情传播扩散。中风险地区群众需要出行的,需经属地疫情防控机构批准。

    All residents in areas at high risk of COVID-19 shall stay at their current residing localities to prevent spreading the epidemic , said the circular.Travel from medium-risk areas will need permission from the local epidemic prevention and control authorities .

  6. 为向罗格表示敬意,奥林匹克大厦、奥林匹克博物馆和国际奥委会的所有属地都将连续五天降半旗。国际奥委会邀请所有国家奥委会和国际单项体育联合会加入这一缅怀纪念之举。

    As a mark of respect , the Olympic flag will be flown at half-mast for five days at Olympic House , at The Olympic Museum and at all IOC properties , and the IOC invites all National Olympic Committees and International Federations to join in this gesture of remembrance and honor .

  7. 领事裁判权的存在,是对国家属地优越权的例外或侵犯。4.cruisev.巡航,巡弋,漫游

    Consular jurisdiction is an exception or infringement of a country 's superior right of territory .

  8. 以前的飞机都是飞往它的所属地,但现在的航空运输是一个由交通枢纽组成的系统,例如飞机会途经芝加哥O'Hare机场或Newark机场。

    Air traffic used to be everything flew to places local to it but now there 's a system of hubs , Chicago O'Hare for instance or Newark where planes fly through .

  9. 夏威夷群岛已不再是美国的属地。

    The Hawaiian island is no longer a dependency of the U.S.A.

  10. 英国大部分的海外属地如今都成了独立的国家。

    Most of britain 's possessions oversea are now independent countries .

  11. 地质公园与属地社会&经济协调发展研究

    Research on the Coordination Development between Geopark and Society-economic of Dependency

  12. 土壤区划类型的参比与属地化研究

    Soil Type Reference and Administrative Area for Soil Regionalization in China

  13. 地勘单位属地化后工作重点之我见

    Views on the focus of geological prospecting units after localized management

  14. 属地化地勘单位生存发展模式初探

    Research on Subsistence and Development Models of Geological and Prospecting Units

  15. 知识产权地域性不等同于严格属地主义。

    Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism .

  16. 社区卫生服务属地化管理的实践和探索

    The Exploration and Practice of Localized Management of Community Health Service

  17. 居民:(通过翻译)我住在比利时属地。

    Resident : ( via translator ) I live in Belgian territory .

  18. 英国有很长一段时期是罗马的属地。

    Britain was a Roman dependency for a long period .

  19. 美国十六个州以及波多黎各(美国属地)也对此提出了自己的诉讼。

    Sixteen states and Puerto Rico are also bringing their own case .

  20. 这部新法律适用于英国及其所有属地。

    The new law applies to Britain and all its subject territories .

  21. 属地化管理模式在综合医院门诊管理中的实践

    Practice of localization management model in complex management of outpatients

  22. 优化港口属地化进程的策略研究

    Study on strategy for optimization of process of port regionalization

  23. 实施属地化和全行业管理。

    The implementation of territorial management and the entire industry .

  24. 输电线路属地管理之利弊及调研分析

    Advantage and Disadvantage Analysis and Investigation on Apanage Management of Transmission Line

  25. 属地化管理后,地矿单位逐步实现企业化。

    Territorial management , the progressive realization of the geological survey unit enterprise .

  26. 同时,旅游教育的属地化却处于低调。

    Meanwhile , the localization of tourism education is at its low ebb .

  27. 夏威夷群岛是美国的属地吗?

    Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependenceof the usa ?

  28. 属地化后机场慎对口岸开放

    Be Careful with the Port Opening after Airport Localization

  29. 属地化后机场飞机维修面临的问题及发展初探

    Problems of Aircraft Maintenance After Regionalization of Airport Administration

  30. 宣示成为美国的属地怎么样?

    What about declaring yourself a colony of u.s. ?