
  • 网络spiritual;spirit;of Spirit
  1. 了解自己在属灵恩赐、心性、才能、个性和经验的组合(即你的特色SHAPE),什么是你在神家里最适合的角色?

    Knowing your combination of spiritual gifts , heart , abilities , personality , and experiences ( SHAPE ), what would be your best role in the family of God ?

  2. 上一章,我们讲座了前两项:你的属灵恩赐与你的心(兴趣),现在就让我们看看你用来服事神的其他特色(shape)。

    In the last chapter we looked at the first two of these : your spiritual gifts and your heart . Now we will look at the rest of your shape for serving God .

  3. 这是属灵领域中的秘密。

    It is so in the secret realm of the soul .

  4. 属灵恩赐与天赋才能往往需要别人来加以认定。

    Spiritual gifts and natural abilities are always confirmed by others .

  5. 我们盼望在属灵境界中如此祷告。

    We wish to use these prayers in the spiritual sphere .

  6. 为中国矿工的属灵需要和物质需要祷告。

    Pray for the spiritual and physical needs of Chinas miners .

  7. 这带来对属灵真理更深入的掌握。

    Led to a deepening of a grasp of spiritual truth .

  8. 欢迎您加入「麦城华基」属灵的家。

    Welcome to our spiritual family at Markham Christian Community Church .

  9. 耶稣在这儿,指的是我们属灵的视力。

    Mark , here Jesus is talking about our spiritual eyesight .

  10. 我越是更多的倾听圣灵的话语,这份属灵体检单就越长。

    The more I listened , the longer grew the list .

  11. 请问有什麽属灵的功课是我们必须学习的?

    What is the spiritual lesson we must learn from here ?

  12. 在属灵意义上,你的心思是最脆弱的器官。

    Spiritually , your mind is your most vulnerable organ .

  13. 祷告是我们属灵的兵器。我们知不知道这兵器的能力呢?

    Do we know the power of our supernatural weapon ?

  14. 神给每个信徒属灵恩赐好用在事工上。

    God gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry .

  15. 我相信,属灵的眼光可以让我们得到属灵的洞察力。

    I believe that spiritual sight leads to spiritual insight .

  16. 神迹不是破坏自然律,而是属灵定律的启示。

    Miracles are not breaches of natural but revelations of spiritual law .

  17. 当我读完一本精彩的属灵人物自传后,我也产生类似的渴求;

    A similar yearning awakens when I read a good spiritual autobiography .

  18. 首先,你必须宣告你属灵的贫穷和破产;

    First , you must declare spiritual poverty and bankruptcy ;

  19. 神的心意,是要我们各人的属灵生命都长大成熟。

    God 's plan for us all is spiritual maturity .

  20. 为了属灵的原因,我每星期禁食一次。

    I fast one day a week for spiritual reasons .

  21. 从来没有不属灵的恩赐,只有被误用的恩赐。

    There are no unspiritual abilities , just misused ones .

  22. 除去属灵的疾病是上帝的特权。

    It is the sole prerogative of God to remove spiritual disease .

  23. 一个属灵的人,或一个属世界的现实的人?

    A spiritual man , or a practical man of the world ?

  24. (这时侯神用光照亮我,给我看见了一段丰富属灵的真理)。

    A rich spiritual truth began to dawn upon me .

  25. 我的属灵体检表为我的身体体检表提供了一份清晰的优点。

    My spiritual checkup offers one clear advantage over my physical checkup .

  26. 爱是属灵的,但又要通过具体的方式表现出来。

    Love is efficacious , but it is expressed by idiographic activities .

  27. 我们现在属灵的光景是如何?

    And what is now to be our position towards this God ?

  28. 而属灵的人却参透万事,却没有什么能参透得了他。

    Someone spiritual knows everything , but no one will see through him .

  29. 耶稣告诉我们,属灵的生命比宗教礼仪更加重要。

    Jesus tells us that being spiritual should be more important than ritual .

  30. 为属灵的智慧祷告,也为经世济民的智慧祷告。

    Pray for spiritual , economic , and political wisdom for Chinas people .