
  • 网络great commission;Great Mission
  1. 思想要点:大使命就是我的使命。

    Point to ponder : the Great Commission is my commission .

  2. 大使命就是你的使命。

    The Great Commission is your commission .

  3. 现代劳动价值论研究三大使命

    The Three Mission of Researching on the Modern Theory of Labor Value

  4. 假若教会做不到这点,它便不明白大使命的真谛了。

    If the church fails to do that , it misses the point .

  5. 地球科学文化肩负的三大使命

    Three Missions of the Earth Science Culture

  6. 大使命的重心,是要我们帮助那些无助和受苦的人;

    At the heart of the Great Commission pulsates a command to help the helpless and hurting .

  7. 国际税收从其诞生之日起就肩负着两大使命:避免国际双重征税和防范国际避税。

    Ever since its born , international taxation has had two crucial tasks , double taxation and international tax avoidance .

  8. 大学具有人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大使命,其中,人才培养是大学最根本的使命。

    University has three central missions : education , research , and service among which education is the most fundamental mission .

  9. 对于一个尚未被神的荣耀充满的世界,以赛亚的想象亦对我们的大使命的事工有启发作用。

    Isaiah 's imagery also suggests something about our mission in a world that is not yet full of God 's glory .

  10. 大使命的中心,是看顾受苦的人,我们要奉耶稣的名给他们一杯凉水。

    Central to this great commission is caring for the hurting , to whom we offer a cup of cold water in Jesus'name .

  11. 会计属性的合理选择和有效运用是会计完成资产计价和收益确定两大使命的关键。

    Accounting attributes is a reasonable choice and effective use of asset valuation and revenue accounting to determine completion of the two missions critically .

  12. 在冷战期间,联合国维和部队有两大使命,即缓解冲突和贯彻有关各方之间。

    In the Cold War era , UN peace-keeping forces has two missions : to buffer conflicts and to implement agreements already reached between the parties .

  13. 耶稣回到天上之前,他教导门徒们两件重要功课,是有关门徒与他的关系,与托付门徒在地上的大使命。

    Ere our Lord went to heaven He taught His disciples two great lessons in regard to their relation to Him in the great work they had to do .

  14. 苏州环太湖地区不仅拥有丰富的自然文化资源,同时肩负着区域生态安全保障与城乡协调发展两大使命。

    Circum-Tai lake region in Suzhou not only possesses the rich natural cultural resources , but also it plays a more important role in region ecological security and coordinated urban-rural development .

  15. 我们忠心的实行主耶稣的大使命,就是使我们身旁的人作主的门徒,给他们施浸,对他们教导神的话语,直到世界的末了。

    Our mission is to faithfully carry out the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to disciple , baptize and teach the Word of God to the people around us to the end of the world .

  16. 装备信徒,去承担圣工,建立基督的身体,直到我们众人达到基督丰盛长成的身量,可以担起传福音的大使命。

    Equip the believers for the work of ministry to build up the body of Christ , until we all mature to the measure of the full stature of Christ , so that we can carry out the gospel mandate .

  17. 事实上,只有神的国度可以永远长存,其他一切事物至终会消失,故此我们必须过一个目的导向的人生委身于敬拜、团契相交、灵命成长、事奉,及完成大使命的人生。

    The truth is , only the kingdom of God is going to last . Everything else will eventually vanish . That is why we must live purpose driven lives-lives committed to worship , fellowship , spiritual growth , Ministry , and fulfilling our mission on earth .

  18. GB:您如何看待Rational促进迭代开发实践的更大的使命,及您提前看到的难题?

    GB : How do you see the larger Rational mission to promote iterative development practice , and what challenges do you see ahead ?

  19. 试论我国煤炭战略态势与大集团使命

    About the situation and task of the big group of coal enterprises

  20. 信息技术有三大历史使命。

    The information technology carries three great history missions .

  21. 第一大历史使命是普及,掀起一场产业革命;

    Universalization is the first history mission of the information technology that brings an industrial revolution .

  22. 在如此长的时间内完成一项如此大的使命,这对于以色列的武装力量也是非常困难的。

    The technical difficulties for Israel 's armed forces of carrying out such a broad mission over such a long time are immense .

  23. 他在微软的职位不断提升,而自己一直抱有这种以小胜大的使命感。

    Chheda watched how Microsoft rallied as a team to defeat Goliath , and he kept this sense of mission with him as he rose through the ranks .

  24. 这将使我们为以知识为基础的经济,产生影响全球的前沿研究和培养出有广泛基础、具有创造性的企业领袖,为完成新大的使命贡献力量。

    This will enable us to contribute to SMUs mission to generate leading-edge research with global impact and produce broad-based , creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy .

  25. 每个中国银行业的投资者都宣称会为合作伙伴提供西方的专业知识和技术诀窍,而弗雷德爵士似乎已开始着手一项更大的使命。

    While each investor in a Chinese bank claims to offer its partner western expertise and technical know-how , Sir Fred appears to have embarked on a larger mission .

  26. 新时期高等院校肩负人才培养和知识贡献两大历史使命,高校物理实验室是培养学生创新思维、创新能力和解决实际问题能力的摇篮。

    In new period , there are two historic missions for colleges ; talent education and knowledge contribution . For student , physics is a cradle to have creative thinking , creative ability and the ability to settle practical problem .

  27. 科学地回答时代突出的总体性问题、恰当地应答时代呈现的根本性和关键性问题、强化中国话语,是中国马克思主义哲学在新世纪面临的三大历史使命。

    To scientifically answer the protruding totality questions of the age , to properly respond to the fundamental and critical problems of the age , and to accentuate the Chinese discourse & these are the three great historical missions that the Chinese Marxist philosophy is facing in the new century .

  28. 我们正在利用一切机会鼓励各大银行履行使命。

    And we 're going to take every appropriate step to encourage them to meet those responsibilities .

  29. 师范大学在教师教育发展新形势下面临更多新的机遇和挑战,将承担更多的社会责任和更大的历史使命。

    Normal universities are confronted with more advantages and challenges in the new situation of teachers ' educational development and will bear more social and historic responsibilities .

  30. 然而,作为承载着中国文化传统和文化精神的电影类型之一,在应对代表着异质文化的外来影片的挑战时,武侠电影完全可以也必须担负起更大的历史使命和文化责任。

    However , as one of the film genres embodying the Chinese traditional culture and spirits , china 's swordsmen film should take on its culture mission and history responsibility .