
bā xiān
  • the Eight Immortals
八仙 [bā xiān]
  • [the Eight Immortals] 神话传说中道教八位神仙,即汉钟离、李铁拐、张果老、何仙姑、蓝采和、吕洞宾、韩湘子、曹国舅

八仙[bā xiān]
  1. 传统文化与八仙的兴起

    Traditional Culture & Rise of the Eight Immortals in Chinese Legends

  2. 这些象征着八仙,而罗汉(相当于佛教中的圣徒)则用鸡脯来象征。

    These symbolize the eight immortals and the Arhats are symbolized by the inclusion of chicken breast .

  3. 我的旅游手册指引我前往望安岛上最知名的景点——位于半山腰玄武岩石上的一个“脚印”,传说这是八仙中的吕洞宾(LuDongbin)蹲此小便留下的。

    My guidebook directed me to the most famous sight on Wang'an , a " footprint " in a piece of basalt halfway up a hill which , legend has it , was formed when Lu Dongbin , one of China 's eight immortals , squatted here to urinate .

  4. 八仙胶囊生精壮阳作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Spermatogenic and Strengthening Yang Action of Baxian Capsule

  5. 天津市八仙山药用植物资源调查

    Investigation on Resources of Medicinal Plants in Baxian Mountains of Tianjin

  6. 这几朵奇秀的山峰,就是八仙峰。

    These extraordinary and beautiful peaks are Eight Immortals Peak .

  7. 八仙山自然保护区植被动态监测

    Dynamic Monitoring of the Vegetation in Baxian Mountain Nature Reserve

  8. 北方八仙桌的座次一般是:

    In the north , the seat order was arranged this way :

  9. 南方的八仙桌座次略有不同。

    In the south , the seat order was a bit different .

  10. 前言:目的:考察八仙丸胶囊的壮阳作用。

    Objective : The investigate the Baxian capsules effects of invigorating Yang .

  11. 八仙洞里的其中三仙应该也来过这里。

    Three of the gods from the caves supposedly came here as well .

  12. 在中国一张传统的八仙桌通常可容八人就餐。

    In China , a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons .

  13. 天津八仙山自然保护区生态系统健康遥感监测研究

    Study on Health Remote Sensing Monitoring of Ecosystem of Baxian Nature Reserve in Tianjin

  14. 而八仙桌与八大碗的由来,传说与蓬莱八仙有关。

    As the name suggests , the dishes are connected with the Eight Immortals .

  15. 八仙岭特别地区〔位于八仙岭郊野公园内〕

    Pat Sin Range Special Area [ within the Pat Sin Leng Country Park ]

  16. 比如这张八仙桌吧。

    Take this old-fashioned table for example .

  17. 既像古典的八仙桌,又是一件十分酷的现代茶桌。

    Since be like classic eight , again is a very cool modern tea table .

  18. 张果老在宋金时期加入八仙队伍,其文学故事也在内丹道的弘传下得到普及和定型;

    By the time of Song-Jin Dynasties , Chang Kuo-lao had become one of the eight-immortals .

  19. 论元明八仙戏

    On the Drama of Baxian ( the Eight Immortals in the legend ) in the Yuan and Ming Dynasty

  20. “八仙”自报姓名后,配以烟火,大有腾云驾雾之势。

    " Eight Immortals " after the name of self-reported , with fireworks , much of the potential mood-elevating .

  21. 特别是木兰湖中的各种淡水鱼及山珍海味,使您饱览口福。八仙岛可容纳200余人住宿进餐。

    Mulan particularly in the middle of the lake and fish The professionals allowing you to enjoy the gastronomy .

  22. 方法:采用果蝇及大、小白鼠对八仙丸胶囊壮阳作用进行药效学研究。

    Method : The pharmacodynamics study was conducted in the invigorating Yang of drosophila melanogaster , and rats , mice .

  23. 本篇論文主要探索关于韩湘子(八仙之一)的叙述传說。

    The paper explores the narrative tradition focussing on Han Xiangzi , one of the Eight Immortals ( Baxian ) .

  24. 常见的有虎头帽、狗狗帽、狮子帽、小猪帽、八仙帽等。

    The common patterns include tiger 's face , dog , lion , little pig and the legendary Eight Immortals .

  25. 我们甚至想像她非常厉害,用醉八仙把对方放倒了。

    Or maybe , we wondered , she got really exotic and used the eight drunken immortals to bring him down .

  26. 木兰湖南端的“八仙岛”是湖中最大的岛屿。

    Mulan Lake surcharges Island Resort Mulan Hunan side of the " Eight Immortals Island " is the largest lake island .

  27. 冷湖-南八仙构造带是柴达木盆地油气勘探的重点地区之一。

    Lenghu-Nanbaxian structural belt , an important region for oil-gas exploration , is located in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin .

  28. 寿被赋予慈禧太后当她颁发绣挂毯,八仙皇后庆祝生日。

    Shou was bestowed by Empress Dowager Cixi when she presented the Empress with the embroidered tapestry , Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday .

  29. 八仙的兴起,是中国神仙文化的产物,是传统和合文化精神的体现,是中国传统文化发展演变的结果。

    The tale of the Eight Immortals is the product of Chinese traditional culture , causing direct influence to the Chinese immortal culture .

  30. 八仙宝物描写在故事的叙事中,对叙事结构、叙事情节和叙事风格产生了一定的影响。

    The eight immortals Magic weapon description in the story , the narrative structure , plot and narrative style , produced certain effect .